Subject: Rough Cut People Assignments (12/30) This is just the unix people. I would like to take this list and put "endpoints" on them where we know of some (e.g. ABS, PD Database). We also need to add rough "level of effort" to each task. Miki Solaris ABS PD Database AFS Knfs Greg Release Engineering Craig Newton Kerberos Quickstation Bruce CWIS login library Unassigned (Falling off the edge of the plates) IRIX 6.x installer IRIX 6.x Athena Bugfixing (software maintenance) Ports from Dec to Solaris (especially mkserv services) Dialup servers All new development printing - quota; double-sided/single-sided problems library collaboration support of new technologies (e.g. gui builders; web tech; middleware) -------------------------------------------------- Andy lotteries reengineering (student services, etc.) Wade (coach, steve)