Administrative Systems in The Virtual University: Best Practices "In the future, we expect 15% of the workforce will be training at any one time." The teaching/learning model needs to drive the technology selection, not the reverse. University of Phoenix -- focus on Asynchronous Discussion Forums - Largely adults - small classes (8 or less) collaboration - facilitation more then didactic - integrate theory and practice - focus on outcomes, not inputs - proactive student support - Tools used: - text, lecture, books - A/V RealPlayer - Threaded discussion (asynchronous) - Email (asynchronous) - Virtual classroom (chat) synchronous - webliography - online library CU Online - Key Success Factors - Extended Studies model - Incentives for Departments - Incentives for Faculty - Strong support structure for faculty and students - Faculty governance for course approval - Vendor for technical support and site maintenance - Implementation Challenges - Steep learning curve for faculty and students - Shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered model - High Incomplete rates - Student barriers- admissions, residency requirement, differential tuition rates - Bureaucracy of institution