To: mbarker@MIT.EDU Subject: notifier Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 09:54:49 EST From: Mike Barker Quick sketch -- 1. allow user to specify personal notification "profile" -- zephyr, web browser, email. should allow separate styles for different "parts" (need to think about the right "parts" -- group membership? can I have various levels within that?) 2. allow information provider to provide (a) new stuff or (b) changed stuff, along with short message. 3. allow user to ask for notices -- paw through and dump to user via preferred methods. still mulling over the advantages of just doing "links" to stuff--let the user sign up for things, then when they request it, make up a page of "new stuff" in their preferred order, with their preferred limits on how much/how old. then let them click their way down it.