From: Mike Barker To: dcns@MIT.EDU Subject: A different way of working Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 14:58:03 EDT [This is a paper summarizing what I think the ITLT can be. I hope it may help focus discussion as we build the new IT framework.] A different way of working Part of the heritage of the assembly-line and top-down approaches to work is the concept that management knows what needs to be done and should provide assignments and guidance to workers, who just carry out the directions of management. The worker as a gear in the machine, or even as a finger of the body, is a simple notion. It is unfortunately wrong. The truth is that while people in management should have the time and abilities to carry out strategic planning--setting out goals and broad directions--they often do not know exactly what needs to be done to reach those goals. Even when managers have "come up through the ranks," they may not know the entire range of methods and people involved, and treating software programmers like cooks (or vice versa) is a fast road to trouble. In addition, as technology and other changes increase in speed, the methods that people in management may know often have become outdated. When we add in the fact that there simply is not enough time for people in management to learn what needs to be done, figure out the correct way of doing it most efficiently, and teach the workers how to do their narrowly defined little parts of the assembly process--we are faced with a real problem. Can the new ITLT (Information Technologies Leadership Team) provide an approach to handling this problem? I think it can. Suppose that when an individual at MIT saw or learned of a problem, opportunity, etc. involving I/T, they were encouraged to provide that information to I/T. This could involve bug reporting, the suggestion discussion meeting, and other ways existing or yet to be started. Then one or more people in I/T might grab that opportunity--due to interest, as the "seed" of a new project team, or as part of an on-going process--and start a team to deal with it. If only one person is involved and the problem is small and unlikely to occur again, that person may deal with it without involving anyone else. Very few problems are like that. So in most cases, there will be several people involved and there may be several steps in dealing with the situation. This is where the ITLT comes in. The individual(s) working in a team can go to the ITLT and request help--in terms of people, methods, or other resources. The ITLT, with competency group leaders, process leaders, and practice leaders, acts as a reservoir for resources which the other teams can draw on. Notice that while individuals in the ITLT have assigned roles, it is crucial that requests for help be brought to the entire ITLT. For example, while a project team might prefer that a request for people simply go to the competency group leader, it needs to be considered by the ITLT to make sure that a different approach (process leaders) or simply changing the requirements (xxx) aren't better strategic responses. The main point I am trying to make is that instead of considering the ITLT as the top of a hierarchical structure which will pass out assignments when it decides what has to be done, we can consider it as the focus for providing help to various IT teams. Specifically, it can be the repository for resources developed by the IT teams, whether those resources are people, money, or ways of doing things. It may sound odd to consider a "way of doing something" as a resource, but methodologies are clearly a useful way of capturing information. Then when we want to do something, we know what steps to take and can proceed fairly quickly with the bulk of the process instead of spending a lot of time inventing a new way to work together. Given this, what might we consider the worker and the ITLT? Perhaps the best way to put it is that we are trying to reach the state of having self-actualizing individuals and a reservoir of resources which can be applied efficiently to meet changing opportunities. Great Systems Fast--by providing individuals with ways to get the resources they need to get jobs done.