Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:30:17 -0500 From: "Theodore Y. Ts'o" To: ilead@MIT.EDU, itlt@MIT.EDU Subject: ASCII text form of the 1998 Performance Review Address: 1 Amherst St., Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: (617) 253-8091 Yesterday, during Kathy's presentation of the changes in the 1998 Performance Appraisal process, a number of people commented that it would be much more efficient if the Performance Review form could be completed electronically, even by people who might not have access to Microsoft Word. I suggested that it might be useful to have a version of the 1998 Performance Review in ASCII form, where the reviewer and the reviewee could fill out their appropriate parts using their favorite editor of choice (emacs, vi, etc.). There seemed to be general consensus that as long as the basic text of the form was preserved, and the process was faithfully followed, that the exact, fancy formatting of the Word performance review document wasn't necessarily important compared to everything else. To that end, I've convered the 1998 Performance Appraisal document into ASCII form. I think it should be easier for at least some groups to use this version of the document. Worst case, if it is decided that the fancy Word formatting is an absolute requirement, you can still use this ASCII form to do bulk of the work, and then cut and paste the relevant comments into the Word document so that it can be formatted just so. Hopefully, though, no one will actually require the nice formatting. :-) Enjoy!! I hope you all find this useful. - Ted Employee Name: Title: Primary Reviewer: Coordinating Director: Review Date: Period: (from) (to) 1998 IS STAFF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Information Systems' performance appraisal process is designed to improve job understanding, promote more effective job performance and on-the-job development, and provide for consistent evaluations across Information Systems. Performance evaluation is a continuing process throughout the year, with a formal performance appraisal meeting conducted at least once every calendar year using the performance appraisal form. Informal meetings between team member and team leader should be held frequently. The once-a-year performance appraisal meeting should be a summary of earlier meetings, with a major portion of the meeting time devoted to a discussion of future development and performance planning. Performance Appraisal Checklist Team Member's Preparation for Appraisal Meeting =============================================== ___ Review the goals from the most recent appraisal discussion. Prepare for the performance appraisal session by reviewing documentation compiled over the review period. ___ Solicit feedback from colleagues and customers. Provide primary reviewer with a list of people to consult regarding your performance. ___ Appraise your own performance using Section I, Parts A-H of the form as a guide. Prepare notes using the form as an indicator of the topics to be covered, not as a rigid format for the discussion itself. Cite specific relevant examples in "Comments" sections. Primary Reviewer's Preparation for Appraisal Meeting ==================================================== ___ Give ample notice that the performance review discussion is upcoming. Clarify how the review will be conducted and provide a copy of goals enumerated in the last appraisal and a blank copy of the Appraisal Form. Mutually agree upon factors on which performance will be appraised. ___ Solicit feedback from colleagues and customers. Schedule a quiet time (at least one hour) and place for the discussion to take place. ___ Complete Section II of the form prior to the appraisal discussion. Coordinating Director Preparation ================================== ___ Inform primary reviewer of schedules and deadlines for completion of appraisal process. ___ Review relevant issues and perceptions with primary reviewer prior to appraisal discussion. Primary Reviewer & Team Member During the Appraisal Meeting =========================================================== ___ Begin by mutually reviewing the purpose and goals of the appraisal discussion. ___ Review past goals. Develop a constructive dialogue about the appraisal, keeping in mind the goal of two-way communication. Work together to update goals and identify what can be done to make the job go better. Conclude with an overall summary of the evaluation, goals for next period, and plans for employee professional development. ___ Plan any follow-up activities concerning ongoing performance review and professional development. Primary Reviewer: After the Appraisal Meeting ============================================= ___ Combine both the team member's and primary reviewer's forms. Primary reviewer is to complete Sections III and IV, providing supporting commentary to clarify any discrepancies between the two appraisals. Provide an opportunity for the team member to complete Section V, and schedule an additional discussion if appropriate. ___ Secure signatures of team member, primary reviewer and coordinating director/Vice President. ___ Forward copies of the completed appraisal to the team member, primary reviewer, and coordinating director/Vice-President. ___ Conduct follow-up activities for performance improvement and team member development as discussed. I. TEAM MEMBER SELF-APPRAISAL A. KEY GOALS: In priority order, list key goals from the last appraisal and new goals that have emerged since that time. Do these goals reflect the current needs for this role, your team, or the Institute? How and why have the goals changed during the year? Comments: B. KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Discuss key accomplishments and successes, relating them to the discussion of your goals (above). What was learned from these experiences? How have you contributed to your team's mission? How has your team provided value to I/T Customers, to Information Systems, to MIT? Discuss possible solutions to any existing obstacles to your productivity and the team's productivity. Comments: C. Review the following evaluation elements, making specific comments for those elements that apply to you. Check the appropriate box for each element chosen. Exceeds = Performance consistently exceeds expectations. Meets = Performance consistently meets expectations. Below = Performance consistently below acceptable levels. Provide concrete examples of performance that explain your rating. Although the overall evaluation should be based on the following comments and ratings, there is no formula that ties these together. 1. Team Contribution: Discuss some of the steps you have taken to strengthen the team and improve its effectiveness. You may want to include comments about customer service orientation and business awareness; communication; work relationships and team skills; and professionalism and responsibility. Comments: ___ Exceeds ___ Meets ___ Below 2. Individual Contribution: Discuss the development of your special skills and knowledge, and the context and goals associated with effectively and creatively applying that expertise. You may wish to include discussion of your acquisition and application of knowledge including both technical and behavioral competencies; quality and quantity of work; initiative and innovation; and financial responsibility (if applicable). Comments: ___ Exceeds ___ Meets ___ Below 3. Leadership Contribution: In what ways have you encouraged positive contributions by others, and helped to provide environments which enable success. Where applicable, discuss your decision- making and judgment; project and team leadership; coaching; appraisal and development of staff; and affirmative action contributions. Comments: ___ Exceeds ___ Meets ___ Below D. TRAINING RECEIVED: List all courses, seminars, conferences, and workshops attended during the past year. (Classes covered by tuition reimbursement as well as new or advanced skills acquired should also be listed.) Include the purpose for receiving the training. What did you learn? How did you apply training? Comments: E. NEW SKILLS ACQUIRED: What new skills have you acquired? How have you used them, or how do you expect to use them in the future? Comments: F. SUMMARY COMMENTS: List below any additional observations not included in Self-Appraisal Sections A through E (above), especially noting the contributions of outstanding performance. Consider creativity, initiative in self development, flexibility, and knowledge and interest in goals of IS and the Institute. Include major strengths and areas needing improvement. Comments: G. OVERALL SELF-APPRAISAL: (Check one) Although the overall appraisal should be based on above comments and ratings, there is no formula that ties these together. Consider the relative importance of each of the factors above, as well as other issues that are relevant to the particular job. Provide a brief explanation for your choice. ___ Exceeds all expectations: Reserved for the individual who clearly and consistently exceeds all requirements of their current position. This caliber of performer is easily recognized by others in related areas, as well as outside the individual's own group or function, and constantly demonstrates outstanding achievement in terms of quality and quantity of results. ___ Meets all/exceeds some expectations: This individual demonstrates a level of accomplishment that clearly meets, or often exceeds, major requirements of the position. It reflects good, solid performance expected of those who possess the necessary skills and experience for the job to perform in a consistently reliable manner. ___ Below expectations/must improve: This individual demonstrates a level of accomplishment that is below the standards of performance, particularly in key areas of responsibility. This individual demonstrates an inconsistent level of achievement due to a lack of commitment or focus or inability to put forth full effort on key responsibilities. Note: A rating of Below requires a structured work plan to guide the necessary improvement. The employee will have 3 to 6 months to achieve the necessary standards of consistent performance and development. Brief Explanation for Choice: H. GOALS FOR COMING PERIOD: 1. Individual goals: List your individual goals for the coming year in terms of contribution to I/T services and products. For example, systems developed or deployed, quality of service maintained or improved, customer requests satisfied, cost savings generated, productivity increased. In addition, decribe your development goals for the coming year, including specific technical or behavioral competencies that you will emphasize, and proposed actions including formal training, and on-the-job activities. Comments: 2. Team goals: What are your team's primary goals for the coming year? List developmental priorities that you will emphasize to assist your team in meeting its goals. Comments: 3. Leadership goals: List your goals for leadership and leadership development. Propose actions for improving your leadership competencies. Comments: 4. How can your primary reviewer and/or coordinating director help you achieve these goals during the coming year? Comments: II. PRIMARY REVIEWER APPRAISAL OF TEAM MEMBER Discuss the team member's performance during the current review period. Cite concrete examples to illustrate your discussion points. Use the evaluation elements listed in Section I, Parts A through E as a guide for your narrative. (Note: This section is to be completed by the primary reviewer prior to the performance appraisal meeting with the team member.) Comments: III. PRIMARY REVIEWER RESPONSE TO TEAM MEMBER Review the team member's self-appraisal (Section I), your narrative evaluation of the staff member (Section II), and your performance appraisal conversation with the team member. Outline the agreed upon action plan for the coming year, emphasizing specific goals. Comments: IV. OVERALL APPRAISAL AND SUMMARY COMMENTS --- To be completed by primary reviewer. Although the overall appraisal should be based on above comments and ratings, there is no formula that ties these together. Consider the information is Sections I - III, as well as other issues that are relevant to the particular job. ___ Exceeds all expectations: Reserved for the individual who clearly and consistently exceeds all requirements of their current position. This caliber of performer is easily recognized by others in related areas, as well as outside the individual's own group or function, and constantly demonstrates outstanding achievement in terms of quality and quantity of results. ___ Meets all/exceeds some expectations: This individual demonstrates a level of accomplishment that clearly meets, or often exceeds, major requirements of the position. It reflects good, solid performance expected of those who possess the necessary skills and experience for the job to perform in a consistently reliable manner. ___ Below expectations/must improve: This individual demonstrates a level of accomplishment that is below the standards of performance, particularly in key areas of responsibility. This individual demonstrates an inconsistent level of achievement due to a lack of commitment or focus or inability to put forth full effort on key responsibilities. Note: A rating of Below requires a structured work plan to guide the necessary improvement. The employee will have 3 to 6 months to achieve the necessary standards of consistent performance and development. Summary Comments: V. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS BY TEAM MEMBER This appraisal and my goals were reviewed with me by my primary reviewer. My signature does not necessarily indicate my concurrence. I understand that I will receive a copy of my performance appraisal, bearing all required signatures. Employee: ____________________ Date: ____________ REVIEW SIGNATURES: Primary Reviewer: ____________________ Date: __________ Coordinating Director/VP: ____________________ Date: Copyright 1998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.