Speaking Truth To Power: The Project Manager as Revolutionary Dr. Robert J. Graham and Randy Englund What is Bad about the News? 1. The news is different than people expect. 2. People could lose power 3. People want it another way. 4. The news may be overshadowed by other circumstances. 5. The message may be too much work. Defining the Truth "To speak truth to power, you must first clearly articulate the message that you want to convey. What is the message you want to get through? If you have a message that needs to get through, then obviously it hasn't gotten through before, so you must ask yourself why. Review the list above to determine what parts of the message are the most uncomfortable, or which of the above reasons for resistance you can expect to meet. Knowing your source of resistance ic half the battle, for then it will not be a surprise." "In general, the truth to speak to upper managers regarding project management is: 1. Upper managers should work as a team. 2. There are too many projects in the organization. 3. Upper management must be involved in project planning. 4. Project deadlines should be set after negotiation. 5. Upper managers should motivate project work. 6. Support core teams. 7. Help in customer and end user interactions. 8. Encourage a project manager selection and development program. 9. Support a project management information system. 10. Require project reviews. How to deliver truth 1. Use an inside/outsider. 2. Hire a consultant. 3. Work like a court jester. 4. Develop objective data from some other source. 5. Do it yourself - become a revolutionary. Problems with being a Revolutionary "The basic problems with being a revolutionary are that you are usually alone, there is little organizational support for your ideas, few see the need for your revolution, you are disturbing the status quo, and if the revolution is not successful, you are shot..." Successful revolutionaries: 1. Articulate the need for change. 2. Make themselves accepted by others as trustworthy and competent. 3. Diagnose problems from the perspective of their audience. 4. Create the intent to change through motivation. 5. Work through others in translating intent into action. 6. Stabilize the adoption of innovation. 7. Go out of business as change agents.