Why are there so many reengineering failures? 1. Top Management Lack of Leadership Lack of Commitment Limited Involvement Loss of Interest Loss of Nerve 2. Middle Management Turf Battles Loss of Power Loss of Prestige Loss of Job 3. Employees Fear-Siege Mentality Refuse to participate Resistance to change Overt/Covert resistance 4. Reengineering Team Lack of Vision Lack of Stakeholder involvement Limited skills Average Performers Heavy Reliance on consultants 5. Lack of Good Change Management Techniques 6. Confusion over Reengineering Methodology 7. Lack of Management Process in doing reengineering The Four Over-Riding Factors of Reengineering Success Executive Sponsorship -> Project Resistance Management -> to -> Reengineering Goals Vision -> Process Change Strategy and Leadership Plans Executive Sponsorship and Vision, Strategy, and Plans feed the Project Management Process and Leadership, which overcomes Resistance to Change to reach reengineering goals. Note that it is critical that you develop effective ways to deal with resistance to change. Reengineering for Competitive Advantage Through Teamocracy and Project Management, Management Technologies Group, Inc. 1996