To: it-project-news@MIT.EDU Subject: Got an idea, but no time to work on it? Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 12:02:32 EDT From: Mike Barker We've all had that feeling that this really should be done right, but there isn't time to do it now. So we do it by hand once more, use a bigger hammer, or just skip it. Those ideas--which might take two weeks or two months to do--are what the new project "Watchmakers Project Task Collection" is intended to capture. When you have one of these "little projects," take a few moments to write it up in email and send it to Mention "Watchmaker Task" either in the subject line or the body. Don't worry too much about how long it might take, or even exactly how someone could program something to help. Just tell us what kind of problem you have, or what that "magic box" would do for you. I'll put it in the project database as a task for the E40 watchmakers to take a look at when they have time. So the next time you really wish there was a program to take care of you, the next time you think "I wish someone would spend a little time and make this easier for me to do," the next time you think "this is really dumb, why isn't there a program to do this?", don't just complain about it. Make it a task for the watchmakers instead. Thanks Mike Barker