The Strange Room

You are standing in a strange room of squishy, dark grey walls. Stepping in here was a little like walking through wet tissue paper; you realize that you'd walked through one of the walls --- except the opening closed after you.

An empty can of what looks like dark grey paint is lying here, as if discarded. Next to it lies a tool that looks like a cross between a shovel and a spatula. And bits of black material are scattered over the floor. More worrisome, an empty box labelled "Gravity" is sitting, half-crushed, next to a spray can labelled "Air."

Can this be the reality behind cyberspace --- as the hackers told you? People cutting rooms out of some strange world, and using software tools to shape it and mold it as they will?

What an odd idea. Makes you wonder, though, about how exactly a user's mind is so thoroughly "transported" to cyberspace. It seems so real....

"Hey!" a voice calls to you.


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