Papers on Morphology and Syntax, Cycle One
- MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #33
- 1999
- edited by Karlos Arregi, Benjamin Bruening, Cornelia
Krause, and Vivian Lin
Price: US$23
- Ordering
- Maya Arad
- On "Little v"
- Degif Petros Banksira
- Chaha Subject Affixes as Two Independent Heads
- James Harris
- Nasal Depalatalization no, Morphological
Wellformedness sí: The Structure of Spanish
Word Classes
- Anders Holmberg
- Yes and No in Finnish: Ellipsis and Cyclic Spell-Out
- Michela M. Ippolito
- On the Past Participle Morphology in Italian
- LaVerne Jeanne and Ken Hale
- Hopi-na
- Simin Karimi
- Is Scrambling as Strange as We Think It Is?
- Cornelia Krause
- Two Notes on Prenominal Possessors in German
- Julie Anne Legate
- The Morphosyntax of Irish Agreement
- Vivian Lin
- Determiner Sharing
- Isabel Oltra Massuet
- On the Constituent Structure of Catalan Verbs
- Taylor Roberts
- Unbalanced Coordination and Resumptive Pronouns
- Juan Romero
- The Case of Agreement
- Adam Szczegielniak
- `That-t Effects' Cross-Linguistically and Successive
Cyclic Movement