Proceedings of the 9th Student Conference in Linguistics (SCIL 9)

MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #36
November 2000
edited by Ljuba Veselinova, Susan Robinson and Lamont Antieau

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Swahili Syllable Counting in Poetry, Language Games, and Stress Assignment
Jae-Ick Park
Morphological Adjacency Constraints: A Synthesis
Jennifer Hay
A Different case against "Case Adjacency"
Anna Pettiward
Large-Scale Pied-Piping, Subjacency
Hidekazu Tanaka
A Unified Explanation of Korean Double Nominative Constructions
Hyeonkwan Cho
Pseudo-Passives and Adjacency
Ralph C. Blight
Heading for Their Own Places
Takashi Toyoshima
A Theory of Category Movement and its Applications
Brian Agbayani
Phrasal Movement in Korean Negation
Paul Hagstrom
A Note on Sluicing in Wh-in-situ Languages
Mika Kizu
Do Head-Final Coordinate Structures Exist? Evidence From NP-Coordination in Korean
Eun-Young Yi1
The Semantics of Predicates Taking As and To Be Complements
William Thompson and Jennifer Hay
Maximality of Cardinal NPs
Yunsun Jung
Tense and Opacity in Propositional Attitudes in Korean
Mean-Young Song
Causing the Mood. On the Properties of Subjunctive Complements in Romance
Josep Quer
The Stage-Level / Individual-Level Distinction An Analysis of -te-iru
Ayako Yamagata
"There’s Redundancy and Then There’s Redundancy": A Pragmatic Analysis of Two Redundant Constructions
Julia Moore
Predicative and Attributive Forms in Classical Japanese
Kunio Nishiyama
The Origin and Reanalysis of for as a Complementizer
Najib Jarad