Proceedings of the 12th Student Conference in Linguistics (SCIL 12)

MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #38
spring 2001
edited by Jason D. Haugen and Travis J. Louthain

Price: $20

Ordering Information

Double Wh's
Cedric Boeckx and Bosook Kang
A Constraint-Based Approach to Variation: Evidence from Picard
Walcir Cardoso
Repetition in Sign: Evidence for a Single Timing Unit in Sign Language
Rachel Channon
Toward the Disambiguation of Le in Mandarin Chinese and the Theory of Morphemic Atomism
Danny Chien-Chou Chen
Tracing Language History Through Consonant Cluster Reduction: Comparative Evidence from Isolated Dialects
Becky Childs and Benjamin Torbert
Toward a Restrictive Theory of Syntactic Relations
Hidehito Hoshi
Scrambling and Its Interaction with Stress and Focus
Shinichiro Ishihara
A First Look at the Syntactic Structure of Finnish Ditransitive Verbs
Elsi Kaiser
Definiteness and the Structure of Noun Phrase in Japanese
Tomomi Kakegawa
Complaint Strategies in Viennese German as Presented in Authentic Texts for Listening Comprehension
Claudia Kunschak
Antigrammar: The Role of Negation in Grammar and Parser Design
William Lewis
Processing Differences in Synthetic vs. Natural Speech: Evidence from Garden Path Sentences
Erin O'Bryan
Alternating [r] and [n] in Chaha: Interacting Phonology and Morphology
Gina Taranto