Proceedings of the 1st HUMIT Student Conference in Language
Research (HUMIT 2000)
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #40
fall 2001
edited by Ora Matushansky et al.
Price: $20
- Ordering
- F.-Xavier Alario and Albert Costa
- Frequency Effects in the Production of Noun Phrases
- Cedric Boeckx
- Gaps and Donkeys: Preliminary Remarks
- Claire Bowern
- Pitta-Pitta, Case Marking, and Transitivity
- Bridget Copley
- Stalking the futurate
- Paul de Lacy
- Markedness in Prominent Positions
- Ken Hiraiwa
- Multiple Agree and the Defective Intervention Constraint
in Japanese
- Tania Ionin and Ken Wexler
- Tense in Child L2 Acquisition: Evidence from L1 Russian
Learners of English
- Makoto Kadowaki
- Quotative Constructions in Japanese
- Ji-yung Kim
- Specificity and Structure
- Zhiqiang Li
- Tonal Structure of Yes-No Questions in Chaha
- Bradford Mahon, Albert Costa, and Alfonso
- Are Phonemes Represented in Terms of their Syllabic
- Luisa Martí
- Quantified Subjects in Questions and the A'-Nature of
SpecAgrSP in Spanish
- Javier Martín-González
- Some Remarks about the Nature of N-phrases in Spanish
- Svetlana McCoy
- Pronoun Doubling and Quantification in Colloquial Russian
- Kentaro Nakatani
- Applying Lexical Rules in Syntax: A Case Study of the V-te
V construction in Japanese
- Balkiz Öztürk
- Genitive Phrases in Turkish
- Kylie Richardson
- Small Clauses in Russian
- Shoichi Takahashi
- Multiplicity and Feature Absorption