Proceedings of FAJL 3
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #41
winter 2002
edited by Marķa Cristina Cuervo, Daniel Harbour, Ken Hiraiwa,
and Shinichiro Ishihara
Price: $22
- Ordering
- Ichimura, Larry
- Phonological Blocking in the Japanese Casual Speech
- Kasai, Hironobu and Shoichi Takahashi
- Coordination in Japanese
- Yoshida, Masaya and Tetsuya Sano
- Psycholinguistic Studies on Japanese Head Internal
Relative Clauses
- Takahashi, Daiko
- Scrambling and Empty Categories
- Takahashi, Shoichi
- Movement, Reconstruction and the PBC
- Tanaka, Hidekazu
- Mechanism of Large-Scale Pied-Piping
- Tsujioka, Takae
- E-Possessive and Evidence for EPP-driven Scrambling
- Nakanishi, Kimiko
- Frozen Scope and Weak Crossover in Ditransitives
- Nasukawa, Kuniya and Masayuki Oishi
- Inaccessibility of the Domain-initial Nucleus in
High-pitch Agreement
- Uchibori, Asako
- Raising out of CP and C-T Relations
- Kusumoto, Kiyomi
- The Semantics of Non-past -ta in Japanese
- Yatsushiro, Kazuko
- The Distribution of mo and ka and its Implications
- Yamashita, Hideaki
- On the So-called RFNQ-ScramblingS in Japanese
- Matthews, John
- Constituency Constraints and Japanese Consonant Clusters
- Brody, Michael and Anna Szabolcsi
- Overt Scope, With and Without Movement
- Fukumitsu, Yuichiro
- Covert Incorporation of Small Clause Predicates in
- Koizumi, Masatoshi
- Partial Production and Syntactic Theory: The Case of
Preverbal Objects in Early Child English
- Saito, Mamoru
- Toward the Reunification of Japanese Scramblings
- Motomura, Mitsue
- Zibun as a Residue of Overt A-movement