Proceedings of the 2nd HUMIT Student Conference in Language Research (HUMIT 2001)

MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #43
spring 2002
edited by Tania Ionin, Heejeong Ko and Andrew Nevins

Price: $18

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Klaus Abels
On An Alleged Argument for the Proper Binding Condition
Laura Dominguez
Analyzing Unambiguous Narrow Focus in Catalan
Ken Hiraiwa and Shinichiro Ishihara
Missing Links: Cleft, Sluicing, and "No Da" Construction in Japanese
Hironobu Kasai
Adjunction to NPs and Split Antecedents in Japanese
Min-Joo Kim
Does Korean Have Adjectives?
Mariana Lambova
Is Head Movement Syntactic: Evidence from Bulgarian
Hanjung Lee
Crosslinguistic Variation in Argument Expression and Intralinguistic Freezing Effects
Edson T. Miyamoto and Shoichi Takahashi
Antecedent Reactivation in the Processing of Scrambling in Japanese
Yoshio Otake
Semantics and Functions of the It is that-Construction and the Japanese No da-Construction