Proceedings of AFLA VIII: the Eighth Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #44
Spring 2003
edited by Andrea Rakowski and Norvin Richards
Price: $21
- Ordering
- Forward
- Edith Aldridge
- Wh-movement in Seediq and Tagalog
- Paula Baird
- A reanalysis of CV metathesis in Kwara'ae
- Julia Bernd
- Alignment of Possessors in the Kinaray-a NP
- Claire Bowern
- Grammatical reanalysis and verb serialization: the unusual case of Sivisa Titan
- Mark Campana
- The evolution of agreement in Palauan
- Yayin Melody Chang
- Nominalization in Tsou
- Peter Cole, Gabriella Hermon, Kozue Inoha, and Yassir Tjung
- A constraint on Wh in situ in Javanese
- Peter Cole, Gabriella Hermon, Chonghyuck Kim, Chang-Yong Sim, and Yaping Tsai
- Anaphoric expressions in Javanese
- Thomas J. Conners
- Indonesian passives, pronous, and agents
- Paul de Lacy
- Maxiaml words and the Maori passive
- Daniel Finer
- Phases and movement in Selayarese
- Tien-Hsin Hsin
- The mid vowel formation of Maga Rukai
- Diane Massam
- Fully internal case: surface ergativity can be profound
- Yuko Otsuka
- Split ergativity and the nature of pronouns in Tongan
- Ileana Paul
- On extraction asymmetries
- Elizabeth Pearce
- VP-raising versus V-raising in Maori
- Matt Pearson
- Evidence for clausal pied-piping in Malagasy long distance extraction
- Maria Polinsky and Eric Potsdam
- Backward control: evidence from Malagasy
- Whitney Anne Potsdam
- When the sum of the parts doesn't equal the whole: agrammatic comprehension of complex sentences in Indonesian
- Phil Quick
- Creaky voice as a phonetic manifestation of the glottal stop in Pendau
- Joachim Sabel
- Wh-questions and extractions asymmetries in Malagasy
- Patricia Schneider-Zioga
- The case of anti-agreement
- Melenaite Taumoefolau
- Stress in Tongan
- Lisa Travis
- Agents and causes in Malagasy and Tagalog
- Wei-tien Dylan Tsai and Melody Yayin Chang
- Two types of Wh-adverbials --a comparative perspective
- Kai Zuraw
- Vowel reduction in Palauan reduplicants