Proceedings of the Eleventh Student Conference in Linguistics
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #45
Spring 2003
edited by Susan Smythe with Steven McCartney and Gail Coelho
Price: $20
- Ordering Information
- Ralph Blight
- As Verbs and the Small Clause Hypothesis
- Cedric Boeckx
- Scope Trapping
- Incheol Choi
- A Lexicalist Approach to Korean Sentential Nominalization
- Komlan Essowe Essizewa
- Aspect of Kabye Tonal Phonology and Implications for the Correspondence
Theory of Faithfulness
- William Earl Griffin
- On the Syntactic Distribution of Expletive There
- Heli Harrikari
- From Phonology to Morphology: A Synchronic Account of Dialectal Gemination
in Finnish
- K. David Harrison
- Harmony and Underspecification
- Mariana Lambova
- Fronted wh-Phrases in Bulgarian Do Not Form a Constituent
- Steven McCartney
- Ternarity Without Ternarity-Sensitive Constraints in Finnish
- Nisha Merchant Goss and Amanda R. Doran
- Voicing of Stops in Kabiye
- Mizuki Miyashita
- Weight Asymmetries in Tohono O'odham
- Eunjin Oh
- The Degree of Back Vowel Underspecification in Coronal Contexts: The
Case of English French
- Lynda C. Olman
- Optimality Theory and Re-reading "The Garden of the Forking Paths"
- Fabien Reniers and Sarah D. Kennelly
- Resolution of the Distributive-Cumulative Interplay
- Elena Rudnitskaya
- Yes-No Li Questions in Russian: Interaction of Syntax and Phonology
- Susan Smythe
- Accounting for Verbal Argument Indexing in Cherokee
- Gwangrak Son
- The Contrastive Study of Monomorphemic Reflexives: Japanese Zibun
and Korean Casin
- David L. White
- Labiovelar Palatalization in Greek
- Alan C. L. Yu
- Non-derived Environment Blocking in Tohono O'odham Stress Assignment:
A Co-phonology Account