Meet the 2009 Class Council Officers
President - Akash Chandawarkar

Hometown: Marlboro, NJ
Major: Course 9 - Brain and Cognitive Sciences, BME
Residence: Chi Phi
Other activities: Chorallaries of MIT, UROP at MGH, Guitar
"I am excited to be working with this year's 2009 class council to make your MIT experience exciting and memorable. This year's council brings a lot of experience from last year's returning members and new ideas from the newly elected members. We are excited to bring about unique and interesting events and activities for the spring term that we have been planning during the fall term. Look for more study breaks, different activites, community service events, more merchandise, and a large event for the spring term. Last year we brought you some great events, but this year will prove to be even better!"
Vice President - Sam O'Keefe
samok [at] mit.eduHometown: Carlisle, MA
Major: Course 15 - Management
Residence: Baker House
AIM: samok13
Other activities:
Treasurer - Rachel Kolesnikov-Lindsey
rachelkl [at] mit.eduHometown: Lumberton, NJ
Major: Course 3 - Materials Science and Engineering
Residence: Baker House
AIM: racks66
Secretary - Deepika Singh
dsingh [at] mit.eduHometown: Port St. Lucie, FL
Major: Course 10B - Chemical Engineering
Residence: Baker House
AIM: deep4987
Other Activities: Sigma Kappa, MIT Basketball
"Last year we were just getting started, and we are going to make this year even better. We have a lot of awesome ideas that we are planning for all of you, just so we can help make your sophomore year amazing. Get ready for a good spring semester."
Social Chair - Tina Srivastava
tinaps [at] mit.eduHometown: Dallas, TX
Major: Course 16 - Aeronautics/Astronautics Engineering
Residence: Baker House
AIM: TinaPS05
Other Activities: SaveTFP, Baker Foundation
"I am from Dallas, TX. I love rock-climbing, kayaking, and painting. I love organizing events, so feel free to give me any suggestions that you have and we'll try to make them a reality."
Social Chair - Amirah Khan
Hometown: Miami, FL
Major: Course 20 - Biological Engineering
Residence: Next House
AIM: ib3spicy
Publicity Chair - Ting Ting Luo
tingluo [at] mit.eduHometown: Basking Ridge, NJ
Major: Course 14 - Economics, Course 15 - Management
Residence: Alpha Phi
AIM: otingtingo
Other Activities: Alpha Phi, MIT Chinese Student Club, MIT Resonance
"I am excited to be working with a team of great people to make sophomore year memorable for everyone in the class of 2009. Wendy and I will be sure to keep you all informed of the fun events we have planned for the rest of the year."
Publicity Chair - Wendy Wen
wendywen [at] mit.eduMajor: Course 14 - Economics, Course 15 - Management
Residence: Alpha Phi
AIM: dulcetreverie726
Other Activities: Vice President of ARCTAN, Director of Marketing Alpha Phi, Food Pantry Coordinator
"We are committed to making sure you have awesome events to distract you from the constant grind of MIT work. As co-publicity chair, I promise to keep you informed about all our upcoming activities. Please give us feedback - let us know how we can improve or if you have any ideas and we will do our best to implement them."