(Message inbox:40) Received: by ATHENA-PO-2.MIT.EDU (5.45/4.7) id AA22011; Tue, 27 Jun 89 11:16:50 EDT From: Received: by ATHENA.MIT.EDU (5.45/4.7) id AA15139; Tue, 27 Jun 89 11:16:35 EDT Received: by LEO.MIT.EDU (5.61/4.7) id AA03515; Tue, 27 Jun 89 11:16:30 -0400 Date: Tue, 27 Jun 89 11:16:30 -0400 Message-Id: <8906271516.AA03515@LEO.MIT.EDU> To: motif@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Subject: what to do as you finish up your projects Some of you are getting to the point where you are finishing up projects and have something in working order. It is time to make these programs available for use and testing and demos. Here's what you should do when you finish up on a project, or at least get to a stage where it is fairly robust and suitable for demoing. 1) Put your uid file in the directory afs/athena/mit/motifdev/uid 2) Modify your source code so that the uid file name is hard-coded as "/afs/athena/mit/motifdev/uid/projectname.uid". Do not code the file name as "../uid/projectname.uid". The first form forces the uid file to be in one very specific place, but it allows you to execute the program from any working directory. The second form forces you to cd to the vax or rtbin directory before you execute it. 3) Compile your code for the vax and rt, and install the executables in the vax and rtbin directories. Test that they work. You all have insert permission on these directories, but not delete or overwrite permission. If you want to install a new version, name it project.new, and then ask me to delete the old one and rename the new one. If your program won't run on either the vax or rt, only don't install a version for that machine. If you have a version with partial functionality, that isn't too buggy, go ahead and install it. 4) Clean up your directory -- get rid of unused or test files. Make sure everything has been checked into RCS. 5) Make a backup of your source files! 6) Put a copy of the tarred, compressed backup file in the directory motifdev/snapshots. You should all have write access to this directory. This step is important -- I will need to get at your source code to make your demos work on NFS. Once you've put code in this directory, don't touch it. If you get a new version with significant new features, put it in a different file in the snapshot directory. I suggest filenames of the form project.tar.Z.month.day e.g. cpanel.tar.Z.6.26 7) Be prepared to receive bug reports about the application. When I tell people to start using it, I will tell them to mail comments and bug reports to motif-bugs. You should add yourselves to this mailing list by using the program mailmaint. 8) Save this message so you can use it again on your next project. 9) Thanks for your support. David