wxWindows Bug and To Do List ---------------------------- ######################### BUGS ########################## 19/4/93 Version 1.40 (First version for Motif) ---------------------------------------------- -- Haven't sorted out how to set default buttons without messing up tab traversal. -- Probably need to set scrollbars to force an initial paint, or call wxCanvas::SetSize. If you set the scrollbars, it works fine. -- No default colours. Works ok on monochrome though... -- Too many repaint messages sent sometimes. 7/9/93 Version 1.50 ------------------- -- Programmatic setting of multiple selections listboxes doesn't work (Motif 1.1). -- Canvas doesn't work under Motif 1.2. -- Colourmap still only producing a small number of colours - FIXED (was using too small values for RGB values) -- PostScript driver leaves something to be desired (espec. for Landscape mode). -- Windows 3.1 canvas scrolling problem with large scale factor or some mapping modes: leaves streaks behind. Could be a rounding error with SetViewport...? -- XView: closing of dialog boxes from the Window Manager not handled properly 16/11/93 Version 1.50 beta (h) ------------------------------ -- Motif 1.2.1 support added, but this bug (at least) remains: setting panel size doesn't seem to return correct size if there are panel items. So a Fit on a panel then a surrounding frame doesn't work properly. WORKAROUND: make frame and panel very big before placing items. -- Status line in Motif doesn't show separate regions for > 1 region. -- No PostScript DrawArc, or documentation for it. 16/11/93 Version 1.50 beta (i) ------------------------------ -- Motif: listbox gets smaller when you add 1 or more items to it. WORKAROUND: Set the listbox size after appending, e.g. SetSize(-1, -1, 100 100) -- Motif: Technicolour appears after a while on a canvas (HP only?) -- Motif: XORing doesn't seem to work in colour -- Panel-in-panel doesn't work for wxABSOLUTE_POSITIONING panels (Motif) or XView (at all) -- In Windows, CTL3D and Fafa library seem to conflict (some items don't appear on a panel if both are in operation). SOLUTION: I probably didn't include the fafa.rc file. This should make it work... 17/1/94 Version 1.50 beta (j) ----------------------------- -- In beta (i), users found that buttons in Motif were random sizes. Something to do with using gadgets?? -- Cured bad MDI bug that crashed application (and Windows) on exit. -- Cured XView wxPanel::Fit bug. -- wxFrame::Fit() doesn't seems to work for an MDI frame that is iconized. It has to be displayed first, which leads to messy screen redraws. Ugh. Is this a Windows problem, or wxWindows? I suspect the former. 17/10/94 Version 1.60 --------------------- -- PopupMenu doesn't always work under Motif, for some reason. The workaround is to use FakePopupMenu. -- Dialog box destruction isn't always vetoed when it should be under XView (Motif?) -- Frames don't always position properly (some interaction with window managers?) -- wxGetFirst/NextFile not implemented for Borland or NT -- wxHelp and hyText refreshing is BAD, especially under Motif when sometimes the text doesn't appear at all. -- Under Motif, listboxes sometimes change size mysteriously. Cured (I think) in 1.62. June 1995 version 1.62 ---------------------- -- OnSize events not sent in a consistent order across platforms. -- When loading BMP or GIF into wxBitmap in X, depth not set. -- wxbWindow::GetConstraints() (called by DeleteRelatedConstraints() and wxIndividualLayoutConstraint::ResetIfWin()) refer to windows that have been deleted. Perhaps windows are not always removed from the constraintsInvolvedIn list when deleted?