------------------------------------------------- List of on-going and potential wxWindows projects ------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of current, proposed, and desired wxWindows projects. Any contributions and suggestions are warmly welcomed! Please contact me if I've left your contribution out of this list or the information is inaccurate. Julian Smart 6th January 1995 J.Smart@ed.ac.uk See http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~jacs/wxwin.html for further information. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: WinSock support for wxWindows Participants: Giordano Pezzoli Main contact: Giordano Pezzoli Status: Released Available: /pub/wxwin/contrib/wxsocket.zip/.tgz Description: This is a replacement for the standard wxWindows IPC code, to WinSock. "The DDE module has been entirely rewritten and, now, is in C, so I can develop Unix server programs without the needs for C++ supports. The DDE protocol has changed since there was some fundamental flaw in the implementation: like the assumption that a single read is able to grab the full message (tcp ensure you only reliability and sequencing but it do not preserve record boundaries!). Now, each message has a header that says how large is the message, furthermore the buffer messages are dynamically allocated so that there isn't any restriction on messages length. Under Windows you can choose between the local transport (Windows DDE) or non local transport (Winsock DDE) in the same applications (by the way, I build a simple program that route Windows DDE request, and vice versa, to Unix servers on networked hosts)." Edward C. Zimmermann (edz@bsn.com) is now integrating this properly with wxWindows, hopefully in the 1.61 release. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: CURSES text-only version of wxWindows Participants: Harco de Hilster Main contact: Harco de Hilster Status: Alpha released Available: ftp.cs.kun.nl, /pub/school/wxwin/wxcurs.tar.gz, demo_/tar.gz Description: This is a remarkably functional CURSES implementation of wxWindows. "I think the state is usable if you know what you're doing and don't expect your wxwin programs to run unaltered. The major problem is that I'm out of sync with the latest wxwin version, then there are minor problems like unimplemented features, curses problems and plain bugs. I'm using it myself for an application and it has overlapping windows, menus, listboxes, choices, buttons etc. I never had (or took) the time to write documentation and a decent 'just type make' makefile. It is ported to: sun with '/usr/5lib' curses ultrix with ncurses sgi with standard curses (not recently but possible) dos/djgpp with pdcurses" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: UNIX Metafile support Participants: Julian Smart Main contact: Julian Smart Status: Static First release expected: Description: Allows reading in and playing Windows metafiles under both UNIX and Windows. So far I can read in all the records, but some records will not map easily to wxWindows. Have used this code in a mini-metafile implementation for a specific project, which works quite nicely. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: wxCLIPS Participants: Julian Smart Main contact: Julian Smart Status: Continuing Available: Binaries/source in /pub/wxwin/wxclips, source in wxWindows distribution. Description: Partial mapping between CLIPS functions and wxWindows GUI functionality. CLIPS is NASA's expert system shell available at low cost (free in USA), with functional language, rules, and objects. Makes a very good embedded language. wxCLIPS is both an X/Windows interface to CLIPS, and an interpreted GUI development environment which can be embedded in other wxWindows applications. With the help of Rob Wylie it has been made compatible with CLIPS Version 6 (these modifications not yet released.) DDE support has recently been added; further functionality is expected to be added in fits and starts. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mac port Participants: Bill Hale (hale@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu) Main contact: Bill Hale Status: About 80% of the way there! Available: /pub/wxwin/ports/mac Description: Very promising; the source code is available and there's a demo (a partial port of the 'hello' demo). ######################################################################## ######################################################################## Some suggested projects: -- Image library (GIF, BMP, XPM, etc. reading/writing/display on X and Windows) -- Better PostScript and Windows printer output -- Proper combobox widget (a free X combobox widget exists for starters) -- Decent, editable text subwindow for Windows (MicroEmacs for Windows as a base?) -- font and colour selector dialogs -- drag and drop support -- wxToolBar buttons that depress properly in UNIX -- Partical OLE wrapper (we'll really need something SOON to combat this threat !!) Even thoughts and designs would be good. Any OLE experts out there? -- Ports to other platforms (non-trivial!) -- Constraint system for laying out panel items -- Tabbed dialogs -- Clipboard support under X and Motif.