**************************************************************** Documentation for mitthesis format under LaTeX. **************************************************************** Thesis format is much like LaTeX `report' style, with margins set properly. All page styles and options in report should work here. Single-sided, double spaced text is the default. This documentation consists of several files, distributed as a shell archive for convenience. You can copy it to your directory and unpack at your leisure. The files are: propcover.tex - Boilerplate for a PHD proposal. The proposal itself does not have to adhere to any particular style. (Mine was done in 12pt article style). main.tex - The header file for the thesis. Sets the document style and allows you to process chapters separately. cover.tex - The thesis boilerplate, abstract page, and acknowledgements. Substitute your text in the appropriate places. contents.tex - How to produce table of contents, etc. chap1.tex - Just some text for a chapter. To write a thesis: Make a directory for your thesis. Write each chapter in a separate .tex file. chap1.tex, chap2.tex, etc. You run: "latex main" - It prompts you for file You type: "chap3,chap5" - It will process chapters 3 and 5. You type: "all" - It will process all existing files for which you have \include lines in main.tex. Each time latex processes a file, it creates chapn.aux files. Leave them around. That way, when you process later files, it gets the page numbers right. More detailed documentation on the thesis format follows. Bug fixes and suggestions welcome. Good Luck, Peter Nuth nuth@ai.mit.edu 8/29/87 1/17/90 vi and upcase options and changes to copyright notice - krishna@athena.mit.edu Margins and heading types by Peter Nuth - nuth@vax.lcs.mit.edu Title and abstract pages by Stephen Gildea - gildea@erl.mit.edu Doublespace documentstyle option by Stephen Page - sdpage@uk.ac.oxford.prg %%%%%%%%% More documentation for THESIS STYLE: To use this style - try one of these document styles: For plain thesis format: \documentstyle[12pt]{mitthesis} \pagestyle{plain} OR for fast drafts: \documentstyle[11pt,singlespace,draft]{mitthesis} \pagestyle{drafthead} OR for Tech Reports: \documentstyle[12pt,twoside]{mitthesis} \pagestyle{headings} OR some other combination... %%%%%%%% New options: Option `twoside': Good for producing Tech Reports. The default is single-sided printing, which is what M.I.T. wants on the thesis document itself. Option `singlespace': Good for drafts. 1 1/2 spaced theses are the default. That is what M.I.T. asks for in the formal specifications. Note that MIT does not REQUIRE all theses to be double-spaced anymore. Someone in the library system said that it's OK to be single-spaced. (Regardless of what the specs. say...) To single-space some text in the midst of a double-spaced document use the 'singlespace' environment. Option `draft': Puts `overfull' boxes at the end of lines that are too long. Pagestyle `drafthead': Puts the date and the label ``*DRAFT*'' in the footer. %%%%%%%%%% Parameters to initialize for boilerplate page: \title{Mixed Circular Cylindrical Shells} \author{J. Casey Salas} \prevdegrees{B.S., University of California (1978) \\ S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981)} \department{Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science} \degree{Doctor of Philosophy} If the thesis is for two degrees simultaneously, list them both separated by \and like this: \degree{Doctor of Philosophy \and Master of Science} \degreemonth{February} \degreeyear{1987} \thesisdate{December 10, 1986} If the thesis is copyright by the Institute, leave this line out and the standard copyright line will be used instead. \copyrightnotice{J. Casey Salas, 1986} If there is more than one supervisor, use the \supervisor command once for each. \supervisor{John D. Galli}{Director, Sound Instrument Laboratory} This is the department committee chairman, not the thesis committee chairman \chairman{Arthur C. Smith} {Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students} Make the titlepage based on the above information. If you need something special and can't use the standard form, you can specify the exact text of the titlepage yourself. Put it in a titlepage environment and leave blank lines where you want vertical space. The spaces will be adjusted to fill the entire page. The dotted lines for the signatures are made with the \signature command. \maketitle The abstractpage environment sets up everything on the page except the text itself. The title and other header material are put at the top of the page, and the supervisors are listed at the bottom. A new page is begun both before and after. Of course, an abstract may be more than one page itself. If you need more control over the format of the page, you can use the abstract environment, which puts the word "Abstract" at the beginning and single spaces its text. \begin{abstractpage} Abstract goes here. \end{abstractpage} Newer additions: Documentstyle options - vi For MIT course VI or VIII thesis - will copyright the thesis to you while giving MIT permission to copy and distribute it. upcase Will put much of the cover page in uppercase, as per the example on page 17 of the *Specifications for Thesis Preparation*, (revised 1989) Also added ``All Rights Reserved'' to default copyright notice.