
Word convertress

Version 0.1.1 ALPHA from Apr/15/97

Elser is a program that actually was designed to convert Word documents easily to HTML documents. Anyway, this is a pretty difficult task. So the current release of Elser does many things, except such a conversion. Assume to see a very first result done on the way to understand Word and then to convert it.

I decided to publish this anyway. I hope the distribution will offer hints to persons also researching on Word Document format. Further more I think, the performance on macro and password tasks already is quite ok.

Available actions

Elser -i {document(s)}
Informs shortly about the document. Details are:

Elser -D {document(s)}
Renames those macros, that could be executed automatically. Should be used mostly in conjunction with option -E, I suppose.

Elser -E {document(s)}
Word can store macros in a way that prevents from editing them. -E would make them editable again.

Elser -m {document(s)}
Lists all macros and menus included in the document. In the current state it doesn't show buttons, that could be installed by the document.

Elser -M #+ {document(s)}
Prints the code of all macros of document(s) to stdout. The output will be german. That's stupid if you have a non german Word Version, as your Word program will not understand this output. To create output according to your language, follow the instructions in Word file word6/macro.dot.

If you have an English Word, you might look at Mike Janda's (mike.janda@mpcug.com) quick and fine DOS program LWM.

Elser -R {document(s)}
Removes the password protection from documents. This is a little bit dangerous, as Elser not always gets the perfectly right key. Always keep a copy from the password protected document until you are sure, that "elser -R" didn't crush the original.

Elser -Y #+ {document(s)}
Removes irreversible and definitely all macro information. Use this if you really don't like to have any macro in a document. It does not only clean the macro code, but it also cleans the macro definition section.

Elser -Y AutoExec {document(s)}
Would remove the macro code for macro "AutoExec". As Word decides not between lower and upper characters, this is same as e.g. "autoexec" or "AuToExEc".

Elser -o macro12.txt -M #1,2 {document(s)}
Prints the code of macros number 1 and 2 to file "macro12.txt". Macro numbers are those showed with "elser -m".

A last note to performance. As Perl normally is installed as interpretra, it lacks in speed at certain operations. Therefore decoding documents and macros takes very long time. As decoding macros is done nearly always when looking at documents, e.g. an "elser -i" really could take some time.

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Martin Schwartz