Makefile:# Physical Education Lottery. This system is a clone of the HASS-D system Makefile~:/* Physical Education Lottery. This system is a clone of the HASS-D system */ cursesui.c: " Help for HASS-D Enrollment \n \n\ cursesui.o:/afs/ Help for HASS-D Enrollment hassd.txt:Makefile:# Physical Education Lottery. This system is a clone of the HASS-D system hassd.txt:Makefile~:/* Physical Education Lottery. This system is a clone of the HASS-D system */ hassd.txt:cursesui.c: " Help for HASS-D Enrollment \n \n\ hassd.txt:cursesui.o:/afs/ Help for HASS-D Enrollment phedu:/afs/ Help for HASS-D Enrollment util.c:** FOR NON-HASS-D APPLICATIONS) and with "paircount" new values.