Protocol compliance

neon is intended to be compliant with the IETF protocol standards it implements, with a few exceptions where real-world use has necessitated minor deviations. These exceptions are documented in this section.

RFC 2518, HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring—WebDAV

neon is deliberately not compliant with section 23.4.2, and treats property names as a (namespace-URI, name) pair. This is generally considered to be correct behaviour by the WebDAV working group, and is likely to formally adopted in a future revision of the specification.

RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.1

There is some confusion in this specification about the use of the “identitytransfer-coding. neon treats the presence of any Transfer-Encoding response header as an indication that the response message uses the “chunked” transfer-coding. This was the suggested resolution proposed by Larry Masinter.

RFC 2617, HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication

neon is not strictly compliant with the quoting rules given in the grammar for the Authorization header. The grammar requires that the qop and algorithm parameters are not quoted, however one widely deployed server implementation (Microsoft® IIS 5) rejects the request if these parameters are not quoted. neon sends these parameters with quotes—this is not known to cause any problems with other server implementations.