Notes on Win32. =============== $LastChangedDate: 2005-01-13 16:56:04 -0500 (Thu, 13 Jan 2005) $ Contents: ========= Some Known Issues Troubleshooting Some Known Issues: ================== Some of the following issues come up from time to time: * Problems with Apache and and Some people are getting into trouble when starting to use Apache with and Here are some possible solutions (you may need to try one or more of them): - Apache 2 outputs startup errors in the Event Viewer's Application log, so check the details of the error there. The following error: The Apache service named reported the following error: >>> Cannot load /Apache2/modules/ into server: The specified module could not be found." means you need to copy the libdb42.dll and the intl.dll from the Subversion folder to your Apache\bin or Apache\modules folder. - Make sure that the Subversion Path is included in the systems %PATH% environment. - Make sure that your entries in httpd.conf are correct and remember that and should be loaded after the other mod_dav*.so modules. - Uninstall the Apache service manually by typing: apache -k uninstall Then check your httpd.conf and reinstall the service by typing: apache -k install * If your svn.exe won't run then you can try to download shfolder.dll from here: * Checklist for Win9x and Millenium users: - Make sure that the subversion path is included in your system %PATH% environment variable in Autoexec.bat. - This line must be in your Autoexec.bat file (adjust the path so it fits your system) if it's not there: SET APR_ICONV_PATH="C:\Program Files\Subversion\iconv" The installer will take care of this in a near future. - Remember that you must restart Windows if your Autoexec.bat file has changed. Troubleshooting: ================ You have some options when you get into trouble. Please, try one or more of the following items: * The "Some Known Issues" section above * The Subversion FAQ: * The documentation included with this distribution * Get help (search and/or subscribe) from the various mailing lists at the subversion site. You will find info about this here: