WAISSEARCH(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual WAISSEARCH(1) NAME waissearch - Simple shell user interface for making WAIS requests SYNOPSIS waissearch [-h host-machine] [-p [service-or-port]] [-d database] [-m max-results] word word... DESCRIPTION Part of the Wide Area Information Server system. waissearch makes a WAIS request over TCP/IP. OPTIONS -h host-machine Server machine name as a IP name. Defaults to local machine. -p [ service-or-port ] Use this port to communicate. If it is not sup- plied, then z39_50 is used from the services file. -m max-results Set the maximum number of results returned for a query. Default is 40. -d database The database to use in the query. By convention, many servers support the INFO database. -v Print the version number and date of this command. EXAMPLE to query the directory of servers about tcp servers: waissearch -h quake.think.com -d directory-of-servers \ -p 210 tcp to ask what tcp databases are supported on a particular server: waissearch -h quake.think.com -d INFO -p 210 tcp to ask for information on a database: waissearch -h quake.think.com -d directory-of-servers \ -p 210 help SEE ALSO waisserver(1), waisindex(1), waisq(1), xwais(1), xwaisq(1) Printed 8/6/92 Thu Feb 20 1992 1 WAISSEARCH(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual WAISSEARCH(1) Wide Area Information Servers Concepts by Brewster Kahle. Brewster@think.com DIAGNOSTICS The diagnostics produced by the waissearch are meant to be self-explanatory. BUGS Printed 8/6/92 Thu Feb 20 1992 2