resource - Limit Resource Consumption
unsigned int AcquireMagickResource( const ResourceType type, const ExtendedSignedIntegralType size );
unsigned long GetMagickResource( const ResourceType type );
void LiberateMagickResource( const ResourceType type, const ExtendedSignedIntegralType size );
unsigned int ListMagickResourceInfo( FILE *file, ExceptionInfo *exception );
void SetMagickResourceLimit( const ResourceType type, const unsigned long limit );
AcquireMagickResource() acquires resources of the specified type. True is returned if the specified resource is available otherwise False.
The format of the AcquireMagickResource() method is:
unsigned int AcquireMagickResource ( const ResourceType type, const ExtendedSignedIntegralType size );
A description of each parameter follows:
GetMagickResource() returns the the specified resource in megabytes.
The format of the GetMagickResource() method is:
unsigned long GetMagickResource ( const ResourceType type );
A description of each parameter follows:
LiberateMagickResource() liberates resources of the specified type.
The format of the LiberateMagickResource() method is:
void LiberateMagickResource ( const ResourceType type, const ExtendedSignedIntegralType size );
A description of each parameter follows:
Method ListMagickResourceInfo lists the resource info to a file.
The format of the ListMagickResourceInfo method is:
unsigned int ListMagickResourceInfo ( FILE *file, ExceptionInfo *exception );
A description of each parameter follows.
SetMagickResourceLimit() sets the limit for a particular resource in megabytes.
The format of the SetMagickResourceLimit() method is:
void SetMagickResourceLimit ( const ResourceType type, const unsigned long limit );
A description of each parameter follows: