On Tue, 4 Jun 1996, Kenneth W Harrow wrote:
> I loved Quartier Mozart, and assigned it to my Third World Cinema class
> semester. It was a sophisticated, open-minded group of upper-class
> They didn't laugh when they were supposed to, they didn't laugh at all.
> found it sexist, etc. In short, it was a dismal failure. I still love it,
> but Cameroonian humor is not always available to Western audiences, so
> ...let the teacher be warned.
Dear Ken:
I'm astounded by this! Honestly: sexist? Isn't the whole point of the
movie, or at least part of it, to deflate MAD DOG's pretensions to
patriarchal power/ his conflation of paternal authority with national
authority? And isn't this deflation/deconstructed done by a woman
Maybe my understanding of sexism is naive. At least I liked the movie,
What did you say in response to your students' complaints? And were those
complaints unanimous?
Marc Caplan
Dept. of Comparative Literature
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