Here are some other films for children, I believe most of them have
english version or subtitles.
The Cora Player, by Celia Sawadogo, 1996, animation (6min)
Keita, l'hUritage du griot by Dani KouyatU, Burkina Faso 94 min 1995
Rabi, by Gaston KaborU, Burkina Faso (60 min)
Gombele, by Issa TraorU de Brahima,1994, Burkina Faso (30 min)
Yiri Kan by Issiaka Konate, Burkina Faso, 30 min
L'enfant et le ca?man and L'oeuf by Mustapha Dao, both animation 20
min, Burkina Faso
L'enfant terrible by Kadiatou Konate (Mali) 1994, 11 min, animation
Fran?oise Wera
Vues d'Afrique
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