I just got in my Teaching African Cinema kit. There was a posting about it
ages ago but I can't find it. I know I paid for it many months ago. Anyhow
it came the other day and I have to say I think it is terrific. I haven't
read it in full yet - that will take me months probably, but I wanted to
tell everyone about it as I suspect many others will want to get it too. It
is published by the British Film Institute, written by Roy Ashbury, Wendy
Helsby and Maureen O'Brien. It was funded by the Africa 95 and European
Development Fund, and somehow related to the projects done by June Givanni
and Gaylene Gould of the BFI's African and Caribbean Unit.
The book is 124 pages (A4 size ring bound) and section headings are:
The Development of Film in Africa
Brief history
African cinema under colonialism
Film production in Egypt
Black African cinema after Independence
Some African film makers
Festivals and origanisations
Distribution and exhibition
Is there an African cinema
Going to the cinema in Burkina Faso
The Question of Culture
Case Studies -- Xala, Halfaouine, Borom Sarret, Le Certificat d'Indigence,
Denko/For the Son
Also there is a 116 minute VHS PAL video that shows clips and complements
the book.
This is one of those books that I love, but also hate as it looks so good
that I have now to find the time to read it.... I recommend it to you all.
I assume it is available from the
British Film Institute
21 Stephen Street
London W1P 2LN, UK
It is ISBN # 0-85170-560-X
Sorry I can't find anywhere on it a clear address to buy it from, but that
is a small failing in what looks like a great resource. (Note: I'm not
involved with it at all, and paid my UKP 20 (?) like anyone else would to
get a copy.)
Steve Smith
DSR, Inc
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