Subject: query: local reactions to colonial cinema
From: Liam Buckley <lmb4b@unix.mail.virginia.edu>
I am at the beginning stages of a project researching the ways that
photography and film mediated colonial relations in The Gambia. I have just
returned from a summer-long "pre-field" season in The Gambia which mainly
consisted of archival work in regards to the people and institutions (in
both The Gambia and England) involved in the production, distribution and
exhibition of these media roughly from the late 1920's to Independence in
I hope to return next year for a longer period to collect a series of
interviews regarding local reactions to the administrative use of film and
In the meantime, I am beginning a literature search for already published
material on the experiences of colonized people of going to the cinema in
towns and cities, seeing photographic exhibits, and hosting mobile cinemas
in their villages. I would be very happy to hear from anyone subscribing to
this list who may have some insight into this topic or may be able to refer
me to published sources.
Many Thanks,
Liam Buckley
Liam Buckley
Department of Anthropology
University of Virginia
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