4.635 History of Renaissance Architecture

Donato Bramante, native of area around Urbino. born c. 1444, died
     1514. Painter, architect. The earliest secure work in the drawing
     for an engraving by Bernardo Prevedari, dated 1481 by contract.
     Bramante said to have been illiterate but that he could recite from
     memory great parts of Dante. Contemporary opinion (Fra Saba) had
     it that " a man without letters could still be one of great genius". At
     court in Milan and Rome. Received the position of Bullatores
     literarum aposolicarum (bearer of the papal seal), for which he had
     to become a lay Cistercian brother, in 1512 and received 800
     ducats a year.

Milan, Ludovico Sforza (il Moro) duke of Milan 1477 - 1499.

Engraving after a work of Bramante by Bernardo Prevedari

S. Maria Presso S. Satiro, begun 1478, enlargement, with documented
     presence of Bramante, 1482. "inzignero deputato"

Chancel and Sforza burial chapel at S. Maria delle Grazie, 1492-1497.
     (nave completed 1489, Giunforte Solari)

Slides of the porch of the Pazzi chapel for comparision to SM delle Grazie:

Canonica (canon's cloister)(after 1493) and Doric and Ionic courts
     (after 1497) of S. Ambrogio

Leonardo da Vinci (1472-1519) in Milan from 1481 (letter of
     application listing his, Leonardo's, skills as engineer, architect,
     sculptor) and in 90's. Notebooks from 1480's forward record
     Leonardo's ideas about a range of subjects from anatomy to optics
     to architecture and engineering. May have been intended for a
     series of treatises. Important for documenting transition to High
     Renaissance style in architecture. His Milanese drawings mediate
     between Tuscan clarity and Lombard spatial richness.


Cloister of S. Maria della Pace, 1500

Tempietto, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 1502

The Belvedere Court, Vatican, 1505

The ruins at Palestrina for comparison to the Belvedere Court:

New St. Peter's, begun 1506
The Santa Casa of Loreto, 1509

Sebastiano Serlio

The Palazzo Caprini, c. 1510.

The Palazzo della Cancelleria, 1485

The Palazzo Baldassini, Antonio Da Sangallo the Younger, 1516-17.