Paul Alfred Lagace
Home Address:
10 Wilton Drive
Wilmington, MA 01887
Business Address: M.I.T. 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 33-310 Cambridge,
MA 02139 Phone (617) 253-3628
Professional Interests:
Structures and Materials, especially those in the aerospace
industry, with particular emphasis on composite materials.
Ph.D. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics, June 1982. Thesis title: "Static Tensile Fracture of Graphite/Epoxy".
S.M. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics, September 1979. Thesis title: "Static Tensile Behavior of Cross-Piled Graphite/Epoxy Laminates with Holes".
S.B. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics, June 1978.
Professional Experience:
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Teaching responsibilities in the Materials and Structures Division of the department. Created a course on the manufacture of composite materials including full laboratory experience. Organized and teach a course on state-of-the-art topics dealing with composite materials. Other courses taught include: "Mechanics of Composite Materials", "Structural Design for Longevity", and "Structural Mechanics".
Director of the Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites (TELAC). Responsible for laboratory management and planning. Responsible for the development and direction of experimental capabilities of the laboratory. Responsible for integration of new faculty into laboratory research. Principal investigator on contracts dealing with various aspects of the fracture, longevity, damage resistance and damage tolerance of composite materials.
Chair of the Undergraduate Committee. Responsible for the undergraduate program of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics including longterm planning, implementation of changes, and execution of affairs.
Executive Officer of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. General administrative responsibities for the department. Specifically responsible for all affairs related to undergraduate education, experimental facilities and associated personnel, and orientation of new faculty. Served as Acting Department Head during summer of 1991.
Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Charles Stark Draper Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Research Fellow in the Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Performed research related to the fracture and notch sensitivity of graphite/epoxy composites.
Current Research in the areas of fracture, longevity, damage resistance and
Research damage tolerance of composite materials and their structures.,as well as
Interests issues in the application of these materials to aerospace, marine, and automotive structures The research has an experimental orientation, but development of analytical tools is also pursued, particularly, with the objective of developing efficient analytical methodologies which are useful in performing parametric studies early in the design process. Specific areas addressed include: interlaminar stresses, resultant delamination, and methods to suppress such; the sensitivity of composite materials to notches; impact, damage resistance, and residual strength; progressive failure of laminates in a gradient stress field; buckling and postbuckling of composite structures; behavior of composite sandwich structures; composite fuselage technology. Research has been conducted on systems of both thermosetting and thermoplastic matrices.
Honors, Societies and Committees:
- Fannie and John Hertz Fellowship for Graduate Study, 1978-82
- Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society
- Sigma Xi
- Sigma Gamma Tau
- American Society for the Testing of Materials (ASTM)
- ASTM Committee D30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites (member of Executive Committee, 1987-present)
- Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Associate Fellow
- American Society for Composites (Founding Member)
- M.I.T. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Teaching Award, 1988-89
- ASTM D30 Award of Appreciation, 1989
- M.I.T. Baker Award for Outstanding Teaching, 1990
- M.I.T. Leaders for Manufacturing Associate Professor, 1990-1994
- Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow, 1995-present
- ASTM D30 Best Paper Award, 1991
- vonKarman lecture, 35th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, 1995
- Materials Advisory Committee, NRC Marine Board, 1987-1991
- Committee on Aeronautical Technologies, National Research Council, 1990-1992
- Technical Editor, Journal of Composites Technology and Research, 1990-91
- Military Handbook 17 Guidelines Working Group, 1992-present MIL 17 Composite Materials Handbook
- President, ICCM (International Committee on Composite Materials), 1993-present ICCM-11 Homepage
- USAF Scientific Advisory Board 1994 Summer Study--Mobility Panel, 1994
- V-22 Independent Risk Assessment Team, 1994-present
- Committee on New Materials for Advanced Civil Aircraft, National Research Council, 1994-present
- Transports Working Group, Subcommittee on Aircraft Safety of FAA Research Engineering and Development Advisory Committee, 1994-present
Background Information:
- Birthplace; Lewiston, Maine
- Birthdate: July 27, 1957
- High School: Cheverus High School; Portland, Maine
Local high school football official and member of the Association of New England Football Officials (ANEFO), the Eastern Massachusetts Association of Interscholastic Football Officials (EMAIFO), and the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO). Worked 1982 Eastern Massachusetts Division IV High School Super Bowl Game, 1994 Eastern Massachusetts Division I High School Super Bowl Game. Ardent sports fan and participant. One of the organizers of the M.I.T. Community Summer Softball League.
Interesting Composite Sites:
Composites Corner