The program is used to test the package. You can use it to create tar archives, list the contents of tar archives, and to extract the contents of tar archives. The program attempts to emulate the standard tar program, however, this emulation is very weak.

You invoke the program in one of three ways:


Create tar archive.
List contents of tar archive.
Extract contents of tar archive.
-f filename
Sets the tar archive file to filename. If filename is '-', then stdin or stdout is used, depending on whether you are reading or writing the archive.
Indicates that the tar archive being read is GZIP-ed, or that the archive being written should be GZIP-ed.
-u userName
Sets the user name to use when creating an archive.
-U userId
Sets the user id to use when creating an archive.
-g groupName
Sets the group name to use when creating an archive.
-G groupId
Sets the group id to use when creating an archive.
Turns on verbose mode.
Turns on ascii translation flag. This will cause ascii text files to have local line endings translated into UNIX line endings. This translation will make the tar archive more "portable" with respect to text files. The determination of whether a file is ascii or not is done using the Java Activation MimeFileTypeMap support. You can specify a MIME types file for this purpose using the --mime option.
--mime file
Reads file for MIME types and turns on the ascii translation flag.

The tar command will also recognize combined option characters, like the traditional tar. Therefore, '-xvfz arch.tar.gz' would be acceptable parameters to the tar command.

$Id: tarman.html,v 1.1 2006/04/13 20:07:53 tom Exp $
Authored By Timothy Gerard Endres,
This work been placed into the public domain.