List of All Members for Transform
This is the complete list of members for Transform, including inherited members.
- matrix : matrix4x4
- rotation : quaternion
- rotationX : real
- rotationY : real
- rotationZ : real
- scale : float
- scale3D : vector3d
- translation : vector3d
- quaternion fromAxesAndAngles(vector3d axis1, real angle1, vector3d axis2, real angle2, vector3d axis3, real angle3)
- quaternion fromAxesAndAngles(vector3d axis1, real angle1, vector3d axis2, real angle2)
- quaternion fromAxisAndAngle(real x, real y, real z, real angle)
- quaternion fromAxisAndAngle(vector3d axis, real angle)
- quaternion fromEulerAngles(real pitch, real yaw, real roll)
- quaternion fromEulerAngles(vector3d eulerAngles)
- matrix4x4 rotateAround(vector3d point, real angle, vector3d axis)
The following members are inherited from Component3D.
- isShareable : bool
The following members are inherited from Node.
- childNodes : list<Node>
- data : list<QtQml::QtObject>