planets.js Example File
threejs/planets/planets.js/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: ** ** This file is part of the QtCanvas3D module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. 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var planetScale; var cameraDistance; var objects = []; // Planet objects var hitObjects = []; // Planet hit detection objects var planets = []; // Planet data info var commonGeometry; var hitGeometry; var solarDistance = 2600000; var saturnOuterRadius = 120.700; var uranusOuterRadius = 40; var qmlView; var oldFocusedPlanetPosition; var oldCameraPosition; var defaultCameraPosition; var y = 2000; var m = 1; var D = 1; // Time scale formula based on var startD = 367 * y - 7 * (y + (m + 9) / 12) / 4 + 275 * m / 9 + D - 730530; var oldTimeD = startD; var currTimeD = startD; var auScale = 149597.870700; // AU in thousands of kilometers var focusedScaling = false; var focusedMinimumScale = 20; var actualScale; function initializeGL(canvas, eventSource, mainView) { planetCanvas = canvas; qmlView = mainView; camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, canvas.width / canvas.height, 2500000, 20000000); defaultCameraPosition = new THREE.Vector3(solarDistance, solarDistance, solarDistance); camera.position.set(defaultCameraPosition.x, defaultCameraPosition.y, defaultCameraPosition.z); scene = new THREE.Scene(); var starSphere = THREEx.Planets.createStarfield(8500000); scene.add(starSphere); var light = new THREE.PointLight(0x777777, 2); light.position.set(0, 0, 0); scene.add(light); scene.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0x111111)); loadPlanetData(); createPlanets(); setScale(1200); camera.lookAt(objects[0].position); // look at the Sun raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); mouse = new THREE.Vector2(); renderer = new THREE.Canvas3DRenderer( { canvas: canvas, antialias: true, devicePixelRatio: canvas.devicePixelRatio }); renderer.setPixelRatio(canvas.devicePixelRatio); renderer.setSize(canvas.width, canvas.height); eventSource.mouseDown.connect(onDocumentMouseDown); } function loadPlanetData() { // Planet Data // radius - planet radius in millions of meters // tilt - planet axis angle // N1 N2 - longitude of the ascending node // i1 i2 - inclination to the ecliptic (plane of the Earth's orbit) // w1 w2 - argument of perihelion // a1 a2 - semi-major axis, or mean distance from Sun // e1 e2 - eccentricity (0=circle, 0-1=ellipse, 1=parabola) // M1 M2 - mean anomaly (0 at perihelion; increases uniformly with time) // period - sidereal rotation period // centerOfOrbit - the planet in the center of the orbit // (orbital elements based on var sun = { radius: 694.439, tilt: 63.87, period: 25.05 }; planets.push(sun); var mercury = { radius: 2.433722, tilt: 0.04, N1: 48.3313, N2: 0.0000324587, i1: 7.0047, i2: 0.0000000500, w1: 29.1241, w2: 0.0000101444, a1: 0.387098, a2: 0, e1: 0.205635, e2: 0.000000000559, M1: 168.6562, M2: 4.0923344368, period: 58.646, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(mercury); var venus = { radius: 6.046079, tilt: 177.36, N1: 76.6799, N2: 0.0000246590, i1: 3.3946, i2: 0.0000000275, w1: 54.8910, w2: 0.0000138374, a1: 0.723330, a2: 0, e1: 0.006773, e2: -0.000000001302, M1: 48.0052, M2: 1.6021302244, period: 243.0185, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(venus); var earth = { radius: 6.371, tilt: 25.44, N1: 174.873, N2: 0, i1: 0.00005, i2: 0, w1: 102.94719, w2: 0, a1: 1, a2: 0, e1: 0.01671022, e2: 0, M1: 357.529, M2: 0.985608, period: 0.997, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(earth); var mars = { radius: 3.389372, tilt: 25.19, N1: 49.5574, N2: 0.0000211081, i1: 1.8497, i2: -0.0000000178, w1: 286.5016, w2: 0.0000292961, a1: 1.523688, a2: 0, e1: 0.093405, e2: 0.000000002516, M1: 18.6021, M2: 0.5240207766, period: 1.025957, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(mars); var jupiter = { radius: 71.41254, tilt: 3.13, N1: 100.4542, N2: 0.0000276854, i1: 1.3030, i2: -0.0000001557, w1: 273.8777, w2: 0.0000164505, a1: 5.20256, a2: 0, e1: 0.048498, e2: 0.000000004469, M1: 19.8950, M2: 0.0830853001, period: 0.4135, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(jupiter); var saturn = { radius: 60.19958, tilt: 26.73, N1: 113.6634, N2: 0.0000238980, i1: 2.4886, i2: -0.0000001081, w1: 339.3939, w2: 0.0000297661, a1: 9.55475, a2: 0, e1: 0.055546, e2: -0.000000009499, M1: 316.9670, M2: 0.0334442282, period: 0.4395, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(saturn); var uranus = { radius: 25.5286, tilt: 97.77, N1: 74.0005, N2: 0.000013978, i1: 0.7733, i2: 0.000000019, w1: 96.6612, w2: 0.000030565, a1: 19.18171, a2: -0.0000000155, e1: 0.047318, e2: 0.00000000745, M1: 142.5905, M2: 0.011725806, period: 0.71833, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(uranus); var neptune = { radius: 24.73859, tilt: 28.32, N1: 131.7806, N2: 0.000030173, i1: 1.7700, i2: -0.000000255, w1: 272.8461, w2: 0.000006027, a1: 30.05826, a2: 0.00000003313, e1: 0.008606, e2: 0.00000000215, M1: 260.2471, M2: 0.005995147, period: 0.6713, centerOfOrbit: SUN }; planets.push(neptune); var moon = { radius: 1.5424, tilt: 28.32, N1: 125.1228, N2: -0.0529538083, i1: 5.1454, i2: 0, w1: 318.0634, w2: 0.1643573223, a1: 0.273, a2: 0, e1: 0.054900, e2: 0, M1: 115.3654, M2: 13.0649929509, period: 27.321582, centerOfOrbit: EARTH }; planets.push(moon); } function createPlanets() { objects = []; commonGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 64, 64)); hitGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 8, 8)); var ringSegments = 70; var mesh, innerRadius, outerRadius, ring; for (var i = 0; i < planets.length; i ++) { switch (i) { case SUN: mesh = createSun(planets[i]["radius"]); mesh.position.set(0, 0, 0); break; case MERCURY: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.005, 'images/mercurymap.jpg', 'images/mercurybump.jpg'); break; case VENUS: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.005, 'images/venusmap.jpg', 'images/venusbump.jpg'); break; case EARTH: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.05, 'images/earthmap1k.jpg', 'images/earthbump1k.jpg', 'images/earthspec1k.jpg'); createEarthCloud(mesh); break; case MARS: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.05, 'images/marsmap1k.jpg', 'images/marsbump1k.jpg'); break; case JUPITER: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.02, 'images/jupitermap.jpg', 'images/jupitermap.jpg'); break; case SATURN: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.05, 'images/saturnmap.jpg', 'images/saturnmap.jpg'); innerRadius = (planets[i]["radius"] + 6.630) / planets[i]["radius"]; outerRadius = (planets[i]["radius"] + saturnOuterRadius) / planets[i]["radius"]; ring = createRing(innerRadius, outerRadius, ringSegments, 'qrc:images/saturnringcolortrans.png'); ring.receiveShadow = true; ring.castShadow = true; mesh.add(ring); break; case URANUS: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.05, 'images/uranusmap.jpg', 'images/uranusmap.jpg'); innerRadius = (planets[i]["radius"] + 2) / planets[i]["radius"]; outerRadius = (planets[i]["radius"] + uranusOuterRadius) / planets[i]["radius"]; ring = createRing(innerRadius, outerRadius, ringSegments, 'qrc:images/uranusringcolortrans.png'); ring.receiveShadow = true; ring.castShadow = true; mesh.add(ring); break; case NEPTUNE: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.05, 'images/neptunemap.jpg', 'images/neptunemap.jpg'); break; case MOON: mesh = createPlanet(planets[i]["radius"], 0.05, 'images/moonmap1k.jpg', 'images/moonbump1k.jpg'); break; } objects.push(mesh); scene.add(mesh); // Create separate meshes for click detection var hitMesh = new THREE.Mesh(hitGeometry); hitMesh.visible = false; hitObjects.push(hitMesh); scene.add(hitMesh); } } function createSun(radius) { var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); var texture = textureLoader.load('images/sunmap.jpg'); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: texture }); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(commonGeometry, material); mesh.scale.set(radius, radius, radius); mesh.receiveShadow = false; mesh.castShadow = false; return mesh; } function createPlanet(radius, bumpMapScale, mapTexture, bumpTexture, specularTexture) { var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ map: textureLoader.load(mapTexture), bumpMap: textureLoader.load(bumpTexture), bumpScale: bumpMapScale }); if (specularTexture) { material.specularMap = textureLoader.load(specularTexture); material.specular = new THREE.Color('grey'); material.shininess = 50.0; } else { material.shininess = 1.0; } var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(commonGeometry, material); mesh.scale.set(radius, radius, radius); return mesh; } function createEarthCloud(earthMesh) { var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ map: textureLoader.load('qrc:images/earthcloudmapcolortrans.png'), side: THREE.BackSide, transparent: true, opacity: 0.8 }); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(commonGeometry, material); var material2 = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ map: textureLoader.load('qrc:images/earthcloudmapcolortrans.png'), side: THREE.FrontSide, transparent: true, opacity: 0.8 }); var mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(commonGeometry, material2); mesh.scale.set(1.02, 1.02, 1.02); earthMesh.add(mesh); mesh2.scale.set(1.02, 1.02, 1.02); earthMesh.add(mesh2); } function createRing(radius, width, height, texture) { var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry( new THREEx.Planets._RingGeometry(radius, width, height)); var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ map: textureLoader.load(texture), side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: true, opacity: 0.8 }); = THREE.NearestFilter; var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); mesh.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 90, 0)); return mesh; } function createStarfield(radius) { var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); var texture = textureLoader.load('images/galaxy_starfield.png') var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: texture, side: THREE.BackSide }) var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(new THREE.SphereGeometry(radius, 32, 32)); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material) return mesh } function onResizeGL(canvas) { if (camera === undefined) return; camera.aspect = canvas.width / canvas.height; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); renderer.setPixelRatio(canvas.devicePixelRatio); renderer.setSize(canvas.width, canvas.height); } function onSpeedChanged(value) { daysPerFrameScale = value; } function setScale(value, focused) { // Save actual scale in focus mode if (!focused) actualScale = value; // Limit minimum scaling in focus mode to avoid jitter caused by rounding errors if (value <= focusedMinimumScale && (focusedScaling || focused)) { planetScale = focusedMinimumScale; } else { planetScale = actualScale; } for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { var object = objects[i]; // first reset scale var radius = planets[i]["radius"]; object.scale.set(radius, radius, radius); if (i === SUN) { object.scale.multiplyScalar(planetScale / 100); } else { object.scale.multiplyScalar(planetScale); } hitObjects[i].scale.set(object.scale.x, object.scale.y, object.scale.z); } } function prepareFocusedPlanetAnimation() { oldCameraPosition = camera.position.clone(); var planet = SUN; if (qmlView.oldPlanet !== SOLAR_SYSTEM) planet = qmlView.oldPlanet; oldFocusedPlanetPosition = objects[planet].position.clone(); qmlView.oldPlanet = qmlView.focusedPlanet; if (qmlView.focusedPlanet !== SOLAR_SYSTEM && actualScale <= focusedMinimumScale) { // Limit minimum scaling in focus mode to avoid jitter caused by rounding errors planetScale = focusedMinimumScale; setScale(focusedMinimumScale, true); focusedScaling = true; } else if (focusedScaling === true) { // Restore normal scaling focusedScaling = false; setScale(actualScale); } calculateLookAtOffset(); calculateCameraOffset(); } function setCameraDistance(distance) { cameraDistance = distance; } function calculateLookAtOffset() { var offset = oldFocusedPlanetPosition.clone(); var planet = 0; if (qmlView.focusedPlanet !== SOLAR_SYSTEM) planet = qmlView.oldPlanet; var focusedPlanetPosition = objects[planet].position.clone(); offset.sub(focusedPlanetPosition); qmlView.xLookAtOffset = offset.x; qmlView.yLookAtOffset = offset.y; qmlView.zLookAtOffset = offset.z; } function calculateCameraOffset() { var offset = oldCameraPosition.clone(); var planet = 0; if (qmlView.focusedPlanet !== SOLAR_SYSTEM) planet = qmlView.focusedPlanet; var newCameraPosition = getNewCameraPosition(getOuterRadius(planet)); if (qmlView.focusedPlanet !== SUN) offset.sub(newCameraPosition); if (qmlView.focusedPlanet === SUN && qmlView.oldPlanet === SOLAR_SYSTEM) { qmlView.xCameraOffset = Math.abs(offset.x); qmlView.yCameraOffset = Math.abs(offset.y); qmlView.zCameraOffset = Math.abs(offset.z); } else { // from a planet to another qmlView.xCameraOffset = offset.x; qmlView.yCameraOffset = offset.y; qmlView.zCameraOffset = offset.z; } } function getNewCameraPosition( radius ) { var position; if (qmlView.focusedPlanet === SOLAR_SYSTEM) { position = defaultCameraPosition.clone(); position.multiplyScalar(cameraDistance); } else if (qmlView.focusedPlanet === SUN) { position = new THREE.Vector3(radius * planetScale * 2, radius * planetScale * 2, radius * planetScale * 2); position.multiplyScalar(cameraDistance); } else { var vec1 = objects[qmlView.focusedPlanet].position.clone(); var vec2 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0); vec1.normalize(); vec2.cross(vec1); vec2.multiplyScalar(radius * planetScale * cameraDistance * 4); vec2.add(objects[qmlView.focusedPlanet].position); vec1.set(0, radius * planetScale, 0); vec2.add(vec1); position = vec2; } return position; } function onDocumentMouseDown(x, y) { // Mouse selection for planets and Solar system, not for the Moon. // Intersection tests are done against a set of cruder hit objects instead of // actual planet meshes, as checking a lot of faces can be slow. mouse.set((x / planetCanvas.width) * 2 - 1, - (y / planetCanvas.height ) * 2 + 1); raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera); var intersects = []; var i = 0; var objectCount = hitObjects.length - 1; // -1 excludes the moon, which is the last object while (i < objectCount) { // Update hitObject position var objectPos = objects[i].position; var hitObject = hitObjects[i]; hitObject.position.set(objectPos.x, objectPos.y, objectPos.z); hitObject.updateMatrixWorld(); hitObject.raycast( raycaster, intersects ); i++; } intersects.sort( raycaster.ascSort ); var selectedPlanet; if (intersects.length > 0) { var intersect = intersects[0]; i = 0; while (i < objectCount) { if (intersect.object === hitObjects[i]) { selectedPlanet = i; break; } i++; } if (selectedPlanet < NUM_SELECTABLE_PLANETS) { qmlView.focusedPlanet = selectedPlanet; // Limit minimum scaling in focus mode to avoid jitter caused by rounding errors if (actualScale <= focusedMinimumScale) { planetScale = focusedMinimumScale; setScale(focusedMinimumScale, true); } focusedScaling = true; } } else { qmlView.focusedPlanet = SOLAR_SYSTEM; // Restore normal scaling if (focusedScaling === true) { focusedScaling = false; setScale(actualScale); } } } function paintGL(canvas) { if (qmlView.focusedPlanet === SOLAR_SYSTEM) daysPerFrame = daysPerFrameScale * 10; else daysPerFrame = daysPerFrameScale * planets[qmlView.focusedPlanet]["period"] / 100; // Advance the time in days oldTimeD = currTimeD; currTimeD = currTimeD + daysPerFrame; var deltaTimeD = currTimeD - oldTimeD; // Position the planets orbiting the sun for (var i = 1; i < objects.length; i ++) { var object = objects[i]; var planet = planets[i]; // Bumpmaps of mercury, venus, jupiter and moon need special handling if (i == MERCURY || i == VENUS || i == JUPITER || i == MOON) object.material.bumpScale = 0.03 * planetScale; else object.material.bumpScale = 0.3 * planetScale; // Calculate the planet orbital elements from the current time in days var N = (planet["N1"] + planet["N2"] * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180; var iPlanet = (planet["i1"] + planet["i2"] * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180; var w = (planet["w1"] + planet["w2"] * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180; var a = planet["a1"] + planet["a2"] * currTimeD; var e = planet["e1"] + planet["e2"] * currTimeD; var M = (planet["M1"] + planet["M2"] * currTimeD) * Math.PI / 180; var E = M + e * Math.sin(M) * (1.0 + e * Math.cos(M)); var xv = a * (Math.cos(E) - e); var yv = a * (Math.sqrt(1.0 - e * e) * Math.sin(E)); var v = Math.atan2(yv, xv); // Calculate the distance (radius) var r = Math.sqrt(xv * xv + yv * yv); // From // Modified to compensate for the right handed coordinate system of OpenGL var xh = r * (Math.cos(N) * Math.cos(v + w) - Math.sin(N) * Math.sin(v + w) * Math.cos(iPlanet)); var zh = -r * (Math.sin(N) * Math.cos(v + w) + Math.cos(N) * Math.sin(v + w) * Math.cos(iPlanet)); var yh = r * (Math.sin(w + v) * Math.sin(iPlanet)); // Apply the position offset from the center of orbit to the bodies var centerOfOrbit = objects[planet["centerOfOrbit"]]; object.position.set(centerOfOrbit.position.x + xh * auScale, centerOfOrbit.position.y + yh * auScale, centerOfOrbit.position.z + zh * auScale); // Calculate and apply the appropriate axis tilt to the bodies // and rotate them around the axis var radians = planet["tilt"] * Math.PI / 180; // tilt in radians object.rotation.order = 'ZXY'; object.rotation.x = 0; object.rotation.y += (deltaTimeD / planet["period"]) * 2 * Math.PI; object.rotation.z = radians; } // rotate the Sun var sun = objects[SUN]; sun.rotation.order = 'ZXY'; sun.rotation.x = 0; sun.rotation.y += (deltaTimeD / planets[SUN]["period"]) * 2 * Math.PI; sun.rotation.z = planets[SUN]["tilt"] * Math.PI / 180; // tilt in radians // calculate the outer radius of the focused item var outerRadius = getOuterRadius(qmlView.focusedPlanet); // get the appropriate near plane position for the camera and animate it with QML animations qmlView.cameraNear = outerRadius; camera.near = qmlView.cameraNear; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); // Calculate and set camera position var cameraPosition = getNewCameraPosition(outerRadius); var cameraOffset = new THREE.Vector3(qmlView.xCameraOffset, qmlView.yCameraOffset, qmlView.zCameraOffset); cameraPosition.add(cameraOffset); camera.position.set(cameraPosition.x, cameraPosition.y, cameraPosition.z); // Calculate and set camera look-at point var lookAtPlanet = SUN; if (qmlView.focusedPlanet !== SOLAR_SYSTEM) lookAtPlanet = qmlView.focusedPlanet; var cameraLookAt = objects[lookAtPlanet].position.clone(); var lookAtOffset = new THREE.Vector3(qmlView.xLookAtOffset, qmlView.yLookAtOffset, qmlView.zLookAtOffset); cameraLookAt.add(lookAtOffset); camera.lookAt(cameraLookAt); // Render the scene renderer.render(scene, camera); } function getOuterRadius( planet ) { var outerRadius = solarDistance; if (planet !== SOLAR_SYSTEM) { outerRadius = planets[planet]["radius"]; if (planet === SATURN) { outerRadius =+ saturnOuterRadius; } else if (planet === URANUS) { outerRadius =+ uranusOuterRadius; } else if (planet === SUN) { outerRadius = planets[planet]["radius"] / 100; } } return outerRadius; }