List of All Members for XYSeries
This is the complete list of members for XYSeries, including inherited members.
- axisAngular : AbstractAxis
- axisRadial : AbstractAxis
- axisX : AbstractAxis
- axisXTop : AbstractAxis
- axisY : AbstractAxis
- axisYRight : AbstractAxis
- color : color
- pointLabelsClipping : bool
- pointLabelsColor : font
- pointLabelsFont : font
- pointLabelsFormat : string
- pointLabelsVisible : bool
- pointsVisible : bool
- append(real x, real y)
- QPointF at(int index)
- insert(int index, real x, real y)
- onClicked(QPointF point)
- onColorChanged(color color)
- onDoubleClicked(QPointF point)
- onHovered(point point, bool state)
- onPointAdded(int index)
- onPointLabelsClippingChanged(bool clipping)
- onPointLabelsColorChanged(Color color)
- onPointLabelsFontChanged(Font font)
- onPointLabelsFormatChanged(string format)
- onPointLabelsVisibilityChanged(bool visible)
- onPointRemoved(int index)
- onPointReplaced(int index)
- onPointsRemoved(int index, int count)
- onPointsReplaced()
- onPressed(QPointF point)
- onReleased(QPointF point)
- remove(int index)
- remove(real x, real y)
- removePoints(int index, int count)
- replace(real oldX, real oldY, real newX, real newY)
The following members are inherited from AbstractSeries.
- name : string
- opacity : real
- type : ChartView.SeriesType
- useOpenGL : bool
- visible : bool
- onNameChanged()
- onOpacityChanged()
- onUseOpenGLChanged()
- onVisibleChanged()