Qml Customizations

This example shows a wheel of fortune by customizing a pie series.

First we create the ChartView and a couple of series.

  ChartView {
      id: chartView
      anchors.fill: parent
      title: "Wheel of fortune"
      legend.visible: false
      antialiasing: true

      PieSeries {
          id: wheelOfFortune
          horizontalPosition: 0.3

      SplineSeries {
          id: splineSeries

      ScatterSeries {
          id: scatterSeries

The application data is generated in Component.onCompleted of the main rectangle:

  Component.onCompleted: {
      __intervalCoefficient = Math.random() + 0.1;

      for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
          wheelOfFortune.append("", 1);

      var interval = 1;
      for (var j = 0; interval < 800; j++) {
          interval = __intervalCoefficient * j * j;
          splineSeries.append(j, interval);
      chartView.axisX(scatterSeries).max = j;
      chartView.axisY(scatterSeries).max = 1000;

The following customizations are done repeatedly with a timer. To highlight one of the pie slices at time we modify its exploded property:

  wheelOfFortune.at(index).exploded = false;
  index = __activeIndex % wheelOfFortune.count;
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).exploded = true;

Then an animation using a scatter series with one data point:

  scatterSeries.append(__activeIndex, interval);
  scatterSeries.color = Qt.tint(scatterSeries.color, "#05FF0000");
  scatterSeries.markerSize += 0.5;

When the wheel of fortune has stopped, we make the active slice blink by modifying its colors.

  // Switch the colors of the slice and the border
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).borderWidth = 2;
  var borderColor = wheelOfFortune.at(index).borderColor;
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).borderColor = wheelOfFortune.at(index).color;
  wheelOfFortune.at(index).color = borderColor;
