main.qml Example File


  ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
  ** Contact:
  ** This file is part of the Qt Data Visualization module of the Qt Toolkit.
  ** Commercial License Usage
  ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
  ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
  ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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  ** GNU General Public License Usage
  ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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  import QtQuick 2.1
  import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
  import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
  import QtDataVisualization 1.1
  import "."

  Item {
      id: mainView
      width: 1280
      height: 1024

      property int sampleColumns: sampleSlider.value
      property int sampleRows: sampleColumns / 2
      property int sampleCache: 24

      onSampleRowsChanged: {
          surfaceSeries.selectedPoint = surfaceSeries.invalidSelectionPosition

      Item {
          id: dataView
          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
          width: parent.width
          height: parent.height - buttonLayout.height

          Surface3D {
              id: surfaceGraph

              width: dataView.width
              height: dataView.height
              shadowQuality: AbstractGraph3D.ShadowQualityNone
              selectionMode: AbstractGraph3D.SelectionSlice | AbstractGraph3D.SelectionItemAndRow
              renderingMode: AbstractGraph3D.RenderDirectToBackground

              axisX.labelFormat: "%d ms"
              axisY.labelFormat: "%d W"
              axisZ.labelFormat: "%d mV"
              axisX.min: 0
              axisY.min: 0
              axisZ.min: 0
              axisX.max: 1000
              axisY.max: 100
              axisZ.max: 800
              axisX.segmentCount: 4
              axisY.segmentCount: 4
              axisZ.segmentCount: 4
              measureFps: true

              onCurrentFpsChanged: {
                  if (fps > 10)
                      fpsText.text = "FPS: " + Math.round(surfaceGraph.currentFps)
                      fpsText.text = "FPS: " + Math.round(surfaceGraph.currentFps * 10.0) / 10.0

              Surface3DSeries {
                  id: surfaceSeries
                  drawMode: Surface3DSeries.DrawSurface;
                  flatShadingEnabled: false;
                  meshSmooth: true
                  itemLabelFormat: "@xLabel, @zLabel: @yLabel"
                  itemLabelVisible: false

                  onItemLabelChanged: {
                      if (surfaceSeries.selectedPoint === surfaceSeries.invalidSelectionPosition)
                          selectionText.text = "No selection"
                          selectionText.text = surfaceSeries.itemLabel

              Component.onCompleted: mainView.generateData()

      Timer {
          id: refreshTimer
          interval: 1000 / frequencySlider.value
          running: true
          repeat: true
          onTriggered: dataSource.update(surfaceSeries)

      Rectangle {
          width: parent.width
          height: flatShadingToggle.height * 2
          anchors.left: parent.left

          color: surfaceGraph.theme.backgroundColor

          ColumnLayout {
              anchors.fill: parent
              RowLayout {
                  id: sliderLayout
                  Layout.fillHeight: true
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  Layout.minimumHeight: flatShadingToggle.height
                  spacing: 0

                  Rectangle {
                      Layout.fillHeight: true
                      Layout.fillWidth: true
                      Layout.minimumWidth: samplesText.implicitWidth + 120
                      Layout.maximumWidth: samplesText.implicitWidth + 120
                      Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter

                      border.color: "gray"
                      border.width: 1
                      radius: 4

                      RowLayout {
                          anchors.fill: parent
                          anchors.margins: parent.border.width + 1

                          Slider {
                              id: sampleSlider
                              Layout.fillHeight: true
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
                              Layout.minimumWidth: 80
                              minimumValue: mainView.sampleCache * 2
                              maximumValue: minimumValue * 10
                              stepSize: mainView.sampleCache
                              updateValueWhileDragging: false
                              Component.onCompleted: value = minimumValue * 2

                          Rectangle {
                              Layout.fillHeight: true
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              Layout.minimumWidth: samplesText.implicitWidth + 10
                              Layout.maximumWidth: samplesText.implicitWidth + 10
                              Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter

                              Text {
                                  id: samplesText
                                  text: "Samples: " + (mainView.sampleRows * mainView.sampleColumns)
                                  anchors.fill: parent
                                  verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                                  horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                  Rectangle {
                      Layout.fillHeight: true
                      Layout.fillWidth: true
                      Layout.minimumWidth: frequencyText.implicitWidth + 120
                      Layout.maximumWidth: frequencyText.implicitWidth + 120
                      Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter

                      border.color: "gray"
                      border.width: 1
                      radius: 4

                      RowLayout {
                          anchors.fill: parent
                          anchors.margins: parent.border.width + 1

                          Slider {
                              id: frequencySlider
                              Layout.fillHeight: true
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
                              Layout.minimumWidth: 80
                              minimumValue: 2
                              maximumValue: 60
                              stepSize: 2
                              updateValueWhileDragging: true
                              value: 30

                          Rectangle {
                              Layout.fillHeight: true
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              Layout.minimumWidth: frequencyText.implicitWidth + 10
                              Layout.maximumWidth: frequencyText.implicitWidth + 10
                              Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter

                              Text {
                                  id: frequencyText
                                  text: "Freq: " + frequencySlider.value + " Hz"
                                  anchors.fill: parent
                                  verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                                  horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                  Rectangle {
                      Layout.fillHeight: true
                      Layout.fillWidth: true
                      Layout.minimumWidth: fpsText.implicitWidth + 10
                      Layout.maximumWidth: fpsText.implicitWidth + 10
                      Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter

                      border.color: "gray"
                      border.width: 1
                      radius: 4

                      Text {
                          id: fpsText
                          anchors.fill: parent
                          verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                          horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                  Rectangle {
                      Layout.fillHeight: true
                      Layout.fillWidth: true
                      Layout.minimumWidth: selectionText.implicitWidth + 10
                      Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter

                      border.color: "gray"
                      border.width: 1
                      radius: 4

                      Text {
                          id: selectionText
                          anchors.fill: parent
                          verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                          horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          text: "No selection"

              RowLayout {
                  id: buttonLayout
                  Layout.fillHeight: true
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  Layout.minimumHeight: flatShadingToggle.height
                  anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                  spacing: 0

                  NewButton {
                      id: flatShadingToggle
                      Layout.fillHeight: true
                      Layout.fillWidth: true

                      text: surfaceSeries.flatShadingSupported ? "Show Flat" : "Flat not supported"
                      enabled: surfaceSeries.flatShadingSupported

                      onClicked: {
                          if (surfaceSeries.flatShadingEnabled === true) {
                              surfaceSeries.flatShadingEnabled = false;
                              text = "Show Flat"
                          } else {
                              surfaceSeries.flatShadingEnabled = true;
                              text = "Show Smooth"

                  NewButton {
                      id: surfaceGridToggle
                      Layout.fillHeight: true
                      Layout.fillWidth: true

                      text: "Show Surface Grid"

                      onClicked: {
                          if (surfaceSeries.drawMode & Surface3DSeries.DrawWireframe) {
                              surfaceSeries.drawMode &= ~Surface3DSeries.DrawWireframe;
                              text = "Show Surface Grid"
                          } else {
                              surfaceSeries.drawMode |= Surface3DSeries.DrawWireframe;
                              text = "Hide Surface Grid"

                  NewButton {
                      id: exitButton
                      Layout.fillHeight: true
                      Layout.fillWidth: true

                      text: "Quit"

                      onClicked: Qt.quit(0);


      function generateData() {
          dataSource.generateData(mainView.sampleCache, mainView.sampleRows,
                                  mainView.sampleColumns, surfaceGraph.axisX.min,
                                  surfaceGraph.axisX.max, surfaceGraph.axisY.min,
                                  surfaceGraph.axisY.max, surfaceGraph.axisZ.min,