Example File
grue/import/import.proTEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(declarative_grue) DESTDIR = ../Grue QT = core gui qml sensors INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../lib LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/.. -lgruesensor # Shared gruesensor library will be installed in parent directory. # Define rpath so that this plugin will know where to look for it. unix:!mac: QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,\\\$\$ORIGIN/.. SOURCES = main.cpp DESTPATH=$$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/sensors/grue/Grue target.path=$$DESTPATH INSTALLS += target CONFIG += install_ok # Do not cargo-cult this! qmldir.files=$$PWD/qmldir qmldir.path=$$DESTPATH INSTALLS += qmldir OTHER_FILES += \ import.json qmldir # Copy the qmldir file to the same folder as the plugin binary cpqmldir.files = $$PWD/qmldir cpqmldir.path = $$DESTDIR COPIES += cpqmldir