Factorial States Example

The statechart for calculating the factorial looks as follows:

In other words, the state machine calculates the factorial of 6 and prints the result.

  class Factorial : public QObject
      Q_PROPERTY(int x READ x WRITE setX)
      Q_PROPERTY(int fac READ fac WRITE setFac)
      Factorial(QObject *parent = 0)
          : QObject(parent), m_x(-1), m_fac(1)

      int x() const
          return m_x;

      void setX(int x)
          if (x == m_x)
          m_x = x;
          emit xChanged(x);

      int fac() const
          return m_fac;

      void setFac(int fac)
          m_fac = fac;

      void xChanged(int value);

      int m_x;
      int m_fac;

The Factorial class is used to hold the data of the computation, x and fac. It also provides a signal that's emitted whenever the value of x changes.

  class FactorialLoopTransition : public QSignalTransition
      FactorialLoopTransition(Factorial *fact)
          : QSignalTransition(fact, SIGNAL(xChanged(int))), m_fact(fact)

      virtual bool eventTest(QEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
          if (!QSignalTransition::eventTest(e))
              return false;
          QStateMachine::SignalEvent *se = static_cast<QStateMachine::SignalEvent*>(e);
          return se->arguments().at(0).toInt() > 1;

      virtual void onTransition(QEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
          QStateMachine::SignalEvent *se = static_cast<QStateMachine::SignalEvent*>(e);
          int x = se->arguments().at(0).toInt();
          int fac = m_fact->property("fac").toInt();
          m_fact->setProperty("fac",  x * fac);
          m_fact->setProperty("x",  x - 1);

      Factorial *m_fact;

The FactorialLoopTransition class implements the guard (x > 1) and calculations (fac = x * fac; x = x - 1) of the factorial loop.

  class FactorialDoneTransition : public QSignalTransition
      FactorialDoneTransition(Factorial *fact)
          : QSignalTransition(fact, SIGNAL(xChanged(int))), m_fact(fact)

      virtual bool eventTest(QEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
          if (!QSignalTransition::eventTest(e))
              return false;
          QStateMachine::SignalEvent *se = static_cast<QStateMachine::SignalEvent*>(e);
          return se->arguments().at(0).toInt() <= 1;

      virtual void onTransition(QEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
          fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", m_fact->property("fac").toInt());

      Factorial *m_fact;

The FactorialDoneTransition class implements the guard (x <= 1) that terminates the factorial computation. It also prints the final result to standard output.

  int main(int argc, char **argv)
      QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
      Factorial factorial;
      QStateMachine machine;

The application's main() function first creates the application object, a Factorial object and a state machine.

      QState *compute = new QState(&machine);
      compute->assignProperty(&factorial, "fac", 1);
      compute->assignProperty(&factorial, "x", 6);
      compute->addTransition(new FactorialLoopTransition(&factorial));

The compute state is created, and the initial values of x and fac are defined. A FactorialLoopTransition object is created and added to the state.

      QFinalState *done = new QFinalState(&machine);
      FactorialDoneTransition *doneTransition = new FactorialDoneTransition(&factorial);

A final state, done, is created, and a FactorialDoneTransition object is created with done as its target state. The transition is then added to the compute state.

      QObject::connect(&machine, SIGNAL(finished()), &app, SLOT(quit()));

      return app.exec();

The machine's initial state is set to be the compute state. We connect the QStateMachine::finished() signal to the QCoreApplication::quit() slot, so the application will quit when the state machine's work is done. Finally, the state machine is started, and the application's event loop is entered.
