pstoedit 3.32

pstoedit translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats. Currently pstoedit can generate the following formats:

The following formats are available as additional plugins on a shareware basis. See for more details.

Implementing support for other formats should be very easy. The architecture of pstoedit consists of a PostScript frontend which needs to call a PostScript interpreter like Ghostscript and the individual backends which are pugged into a kind of framework. This framework can be used independently from the PostScript frontend from any other program. The framework provides a uniform interface to all different backends. You need a C++ compiler to compile and GhostScript to run pstoedit. pstoedit should run on all Un*x like systems and has also been ported to OS/2, Windows 9x/NT/2K/XP, and RiscOS.

Since version 3.00 it is possible to add new drivers without even recompiling the core program. pstoedit can load additional drivers as plugins.

You can download pstoedit:

In case of download problems, visit this page via the alternate URL.

pstoedit can also be used from within gsview.

If you want to use pstoedit in combination with gsview, install the content of the Windows binaries for pstoedit into the pstoedit directory that is in parallel to the gsview directory where gsview is installed. Usually this is something like C:\Ghostgum\gsview. So pstoedit would go to C:\Ghostgum\pstoedit.

For the ps2ai backend, you first need to install a simple patch to in your gs directory if your version of GhostScript is older than 5.60. See the manual for more details.

You get can more information from:

pstoedit also cooperates with autotrace. Autotrace can produce a dump file for further processing by pstoedit using the -bo (backend only) option. Autotrace is a program written by a group around Martin Weber and can be found at

Some links more or less related to pstoedit can be found here.

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