Utilities Abstracts Last modified: 8/16/94 by Jeremy Wyld This abstract is a concatenation of the README files included with the packages. If no README was present, I chose my own description. If a package of yours has gotten a bumb write up, send mail to: moderator@newton.uiowa.edu along with a better one or two line description that you would like included instead. /utils acct-to-pm ...This program will convert your old Accountable Ltd. data to PocketMoney. It ...is not destructive to your Accountable data, so give PocketMoney a try. add-country ...Add a country to the popup list of countries. add-to-dict-20 ...AddToDict is a small Newton application that allows multiple additions to ...your User Dictionary in one sitting. all-thumbs ...This little hack adds three buttons to the display when a book is opened. ...A left, right and drag button. any-messages-10 ...Displays the last four alarms or error messages (fewer if you've restarted ...recently), and allows you to copy them. ascii ...ASCII table. assistance-07 ...adds a pop-up menu to your Newton's built-in Assist button to allow ...easier use of the Assist auto-dict-11 ...AutoDict "automagically" scans your Names soup for new entries ...and adds the corresponding names (Company, First, Last, etc...) to your ...word list. b-save1 ...This package checks the battery level each 60 seconds and adjust the sound ...volume to match your settings. Optionally it can control the "Receive beam ...automatically" feature. bdays-102 ...BDays is a simple program to go through your Names (soup) and ...check the Birthdays (slot). Birthdays occurring last month, this ...month, or next month are displayed when you tap "Lookup". birthdays-11 ...This simple app goes through your Names soup and adds birthdays to the ...Repeating Names(? maybe meatings) soup. bookcase ...Lists all books currently installed on your Newton and lets you ...open them by clicking on the book's name from a list. books-off-20 ...Allows you to easily turn on and off "find" for books from inside of the ..."Find" dialog. bulk-mail-1b3 ...Bulk Mail is a _protoQuick and :Dirty() Newton Mail utility that I wrote to ...help me manage the hideous task of batch mailing a single note to more than ...one person. bullet ...Adds a button to the bottom of the Notes screen to add a bullet ...point. burrito-beamer ...Now if your local custom taqueria has a Sharp RY5AR021 Enhanced-Range ...Infrared Data Receiver and is within range, you can save time by beaming ...your burrito order ahead of you. b-save1 ...Checks battery level and adjusts volume and receive beams automatically. call-logger-05 ...This app will create Notes on the Notepad any time you use the Newton's ...Intelligent Assistance "Call" function. card-closer-01 ...This app closes the Backup Slip when a card is inserted. chron-10 ...The demo version disables the alarm function. You can use the "Now!" ...buttons to see how an operation works, and you can set an alarm time, but ...the alarm will not occur. clock-wise-23 ...This program implements the basic features of an alarm clock. convert-25 ...Convert! is a replacement for the conversion tables found on the Newton. copy-mach ...With the CopyMachine you get an easy and safe (I hope) way of moving your ...data to a PCMCIA card and back to the internal store - without the system ...data. count-down ...Countdown allows you to count down for a specified amount of ...time. When that time arrives, a reminder, that you previously ...wrote, pops up on the screen. cyber-rights-pack ...Here's a small package that contains the "Cyber Rights Now!" logo popularized ...in WIRED a month or two ago. This is for use with OnSet. datecaln ...For those who have to sync Newton Calendar with outside calendar. date-util-091 ...View all of your Dates, Meetings, To do items, etc. deco-clock ...This package puts clock icon in your extras drawer. Tap it and a ...nice clock takes over your screen, covering everything else. dialer ...Large-buttoned phone dialer. disabler-05 ...Allows the user to disable all InstallScripts, or just InstallScripts on a ...card. drag ...This little package adds dragability to packages. Find, assist, calling, plus ...many more windows will now be abled to be dragged out of your way so you can ...see what is behind them. end-back ...End n' Back is a small Newton utility that installs itself in the NotePad ...application. Its purpose is provide a fast way to go to the last note in ...the Notepad's paper roll. It also provides a way to go back to the note ...you were at prior to going to the end. entseq10 ...Keyboard app for molecular biologists. ext-ext ...Allows access to Newton applications beyond the limit of 30 that ...the current (1.0.4) Extras Drawer imposes. figgles-utilities ...7 extremely useful utilities from Erica Sadun. find-recent-10 ...With FindRecent installed the last ten terms one was searching for are ...listed in the pop-up menu of the Find slip. fixer-11 ...Fixer is a utility that will find and correct any storage problems ...associated with your Calendar Meetings and Day Notes. flashs-typer-10b5 ...A small popup keyboard that can type the date, time, carriage ...return, or Apple Enhancement Number. guester-13 ...Guester is a small application for your Newton to give you an easy- to- ...get-at way to flip your Newton in and out of Guest mode. heap-it ...HeapIt is a small utility for the Newton MessagePad that removes ...InstallScripts from the system heap. helper-project ...Floating palette that allows you to change font styles, switch on ...and off requirement to find words in the dictionaries, and type a ...new-line bullet and space (good for making lists). holidays ...Holiday Reminders will insert national holidays, Christian holidays, ...etc. into your Calendar so you don't forget those crucial holidays. hot-buttons ...This application is a floating palette of user-programmable ...buttons to let you, with a single pen tap, access almost all ...Newton built-in applications as well as any user-installed ...applications. icebxmin ...Extras manager. icon-editor-11 ...lets you create and edit 32 x 32 icons (the same size as standard mac ...icons) on the newton. You can create and duplicate them, erase them ...(keeps the soup entry, erases all pixels) save and save as... them (use the ...given name or create a new name.) inker-11 ...Inker is a Newton App which lets you change the size of the ...drawing ink quickly. im-melting ...Provides some sort of fix for envelope printing? keyboard-11 ...Gives you a floating palette of keyboards, including punctuation, ...time, numeric, and alphabetical. kill-find ...Tells your Newton to search only in Names and Notes. lhsound ...? little-helper ...NewtonÕs Little Helper(NLH) does several useful and useless things ...for Newton OS. The most obvious thing is that it plays the old Star Trek ...communicator sound when you turn on(wake-up) your Newton. This can ...be turned on and off in the Prefs. It also has many useful battery use and ...warning mechanisms. Also, if you turn on(wake-up) your Newton when ...the battery level is below a set value(in Prefs), NLH will play the ...communicator sound twice. And, it places a button in the statusBar of the ...NotePad to provide instant access to Preferences(on Newtons with ...temperature gauges). magic-app-10 ...Magic App will allow you to: 1. Move applications between the Newton's ...internal storage and external storage cards; 2. Beam applications to ...another Newton; 3. Remove applications with a single tap of the pen. mailfix-041d8 ...Fixes two deliberate NewtonMail misfeatures: It makes ...NewtonMail's views non-floating, so that the clipboard and things like ...Erica Sadun's Figgles keyboard are no longer disabled, and (under ...NewtonMail 1.2b) sets the font and size to your default. Use with caution. mail-saver ...MailSaver is a one-stop NewtonMail assistant. memory-10 ...Floating memory display. memory ...The memory utility provides a way to modify and change the current ...frames heap memory. Allows programmers to test programs under low ...memory conditions. memo-fax ...The easy to use memo faxer for Newton Platforms. minitools-102 ...This file contains two packages - Memory Massager and ...NewtonScript Runner. The purpose of Memory Massager is to call a ...garbage collection in your Newton's memory. NewtonScript Runner ...will evaluate NewtonScript for you. more-info ...Allows you to add more info to your names in the Names application. n-lengths ...A formula for the Newton Formula app. This app provides a quick ...converter for units of length. You can use it to convert from one unit of ...measure to another. It supports, miles, furloughs (hey, I'm in Maryland ...and we race horses here), yards, feet, inches, kilometers, meters, ...centimeters, millimeters and itty-bitty microns. n-areacode-01 ...A fromula for the Newton Formula app. This one provides you with area code ...lookups. ncrypt ...nCrypt Light is a Newton application which provides communications security for ...most Newton applications, including the built in Notepad and Names applications. ...Installer only works on the Macintosh. net-names ...NetNames is a utility that uses the Newton chooser to see if there ...are named devices on AppleTalk. net-test-05 ...NetTest is an application for testing an AppleTalk network. netlook-101 ...Netlook lets you build a soup of NBP entities you can get the Newton ...Mini-Chooser to search for. The entity records can be mailed,beamed, ...printed or faxed although none of these have yet been tested and ...probably fail horribly. newtcase-10 ...NewtCase lets any MessagePad (Classic, MP100, MP110) user archive ...his/her Newton applications to reduce heap memory requirements, alleviate ...conflicts between applications, and clean up his/her Extras drawer. newton-transfer ...QuicKeys macro that basically copies and pastes data, one field at ...a time, from Dynodex to the Newton Connection Kit, until the entire ...record is copied. newton-unlock-21 ...This program will allow you to bypass the login screen if you ...happen to forget your password. It will then allow you to disable ...the password protection so that you may reset your password. newt-package-downloader-1b4 ...Newton Package Downloader enables you to download your Newton ...packages into your Newt. newt-tablet ...At last! An affordable touchpad for any Macintosh! Cheaper and more versatile ...than many ADB tablets. More flexible than the Blackbird TouchPad. nndd ...HyperCard stack that allows you to download Dates and Notes to ...the Newton. no-sleep ...No Sleep is the freeware program that will keep Newton from going ...to sleep when Newtons AC adapter is powering it. not-to-do ...NotToDo 0.92 is a simple freeware utility that removes ToDo items ...that are checked off in the To Do List application. The items are ...permanently removed from the ToDo soup, although the utility does ...support Undo, which adds the deleted entries back into the soup. notepopper-10 ...Allows you to easily copy selected text to other notes or even new ...notes. objviewer-092 ...The Object Viewer displays the contents of objects in Newton's ...memory. onset ...This folder contains OnSet which will allow you to change your "power-on ...screen" picture. You can change it to a number of preset ROM/system ...bitmaps or bitmaps that are stored in a special soup. A few such custom ...pictures have been included with the OnSet archive. ope ...Provides a floating window with a popup list of apps (without built- in apps) ...and can be moved around to your favorite location. opentime ...This simply little utility, when installed, will cause the Dates ...application to automatically open to the current hour. outline ...Outline 1.0 is really a way of viewing and editing a Note from the Notepad. password ...Button that toggles password protection on and off. peekaboo ...Developer trace utility. pick-extras-111 ...This simple app will add a pop up list to your Extras button. This list ...contains all the currently installed apps in your Newton. Tapping on one ...of the items will launch the selected app. It also supports digital books. pit ...Production interval timer for music and scripts in video production. place-settings ...Allows you to add a city name to the Time Zones list and switch ...between 12/24 hour modes. pm-nck-12 ...PM_NCK1.2 is an update for those of you who are exporting your PocketMoney ...data from the NCK to Quicken or MYM. pop-extras ...PopExtras consists of two parts, the first being a button which is attached ...to the bottom of the NotePad next to the keyboard icon etc. Tapping this ...button will present you with a pop-up menu containing a user definable ...list of apps installed on the Newton. Tapping an app name will open that ...app! The second part of PopExtras is the utility that is used to select ...which apps will be displayed in the popup button. pour ...Pour is a little utility that will allow you to choose any soup from ...the available stores on your Newt (or a union soup if you have a ...card) and will pour it down the serial port at 9600-8-N-1. prefs-patcher ...Prefs Patcher is a small patch for the Newton MessagePad which corrects what ...we consider an annoying user interface "feature." Namely, that you have to ...click twice to exit the Prefs or Formulas rolls. rebooter ...Allows you to reboot from the Extras drawer. rem-guard ...RemGuard is a Newton MessagePad utitlity that helps prevent ...missed appointment reminders posted by the MessagePad Dates ...application. remove-it-22 ...This package allows you to remove packages from the Extras ...drawer. resetpd ...Developer application that resets printdepth to 0. resistor-calc10 ...This is just a quick applet to help calculate resistor values. restarter ...This is a simple auto part that adds the command "Restart" to the actions ...that the assistant can preform. Simply write "Restart" and tap assist, ...or open the assist dialog, tap please, tap "Restart", and tap "Do". ruler-135 ...Allows you to easily measure the distances between two points on the Newt ...screen by dragging two cross-hairs around. safe-guard-10 ...Safe Guard is a utility that allows you to password protect your PCMCIA ...cards. sams-sensible-sleeper ...Sam's Sensable Sleeper, when turned on, detects whether you are ...operating by plug or by battery. You may then set the sleep time on ...your Newton based on whether you are using the plug or the battery. scroll-ex ...Allows you to scroll the icons in the Extras Drawer. set-clock ...This small utility will set Newton's time by calling the National Institute ...of Standards in Boulder, Colorado. It installs in the Preferences roll ...and does not have an icon in the Extras drawer (although you still use ...Remove Software to get rid of it.) set-lcd-contrast ...Sets the LCD screen on the Newton to 142. skip-05 ...Tapping in the upper left or right corners of your screen will ...activate Skip and bring forth the Styles palette. sleeper-10d3 ...Puts your Newton to sleep on demand. sleep-aid-12 ...SleepAid covers all aspects of power management on your Newton. It replaces ...the default "Sleep" preferences with a "SleepAid" preferences that lets you ...set two sleep times - one for battery and one for AC. It lets you sleep ...your Newton even if some errant application wants it to stay awake. And ...finally, it lets you reboot your Newton. slurpee ...Transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text between a text file and Newton ...soup entries via a terminal emulator and serial connection small-time-1 ...SmallTime is a small app which lets you time events--basically a ...tiny stop watch. soup-away ...The purpose of this application is to allow the user to purge his/her ...MessagePad¨ of left over soups from no-longer resident applications. souper-11 ...Within the Souper application you have the ability to select the ..."Store" on which you want to work and the Soup you wish to ...operate on. You may rename a given Soup, Delete to entire Soup, ...Clear all entries out of a Soup, or get information about a Soup. stand ...GIF layout of a Newton stand. statusbar-buttons-20 ...StatusBar Buttons is a single Newton applet which places seven buttons in ...the status bar at the bottom of the Newton's note pad application. Each of ...these buttons serve a distinct and useful function, and generally make the ...Newton a better place to live. You may select which buttons to display as ...appropriate for your unique needs. stew-pot-10b7 ...StewPot is a soup inspector that allows you to view and change ...soup entries, make new entries, remove old entries, and copy entire ...soups. stork11 ...Notepad button to change default store. strainer08 ...Strainer is designed to let you easily mark and remove entries ...from your Newton's storage. t-cube ...A utility to enter characters and text easier on the Newton. tiny-timer ...A small timer that will run even if the Newton goes to sleep. upper-buttons ...This utility is similar to statusbar buttons but the buttons are on the folder ...bar. userdict-01 ...UserDict will take any currently selected words and add them to the Newton's user ...dictionary. videout ...To feed screen dumps to NTK/MAC for "pseudo-simulated" video output. what-error-11 ...Whenever an error occurs, the notification box that comes up will tell you the ...type of error at the top of the box, and a omewhat more in depth description ...below. x-master-101 ...X-Master is a Newton utility which allows you to quickly and easily launch ...applets, books, and built-in functions without ever opening the Extras ...drawer.