The Audience This demo is designed for the following: . programmer's who are currently using OLIT to write applications . programmer's who plan to use OLIT to port applications from another toolkit to OPEN LOOK . anyone who wants an overview of the graphical components (Widgets) provided by OLIT The Toolkit The OPEN LOOK Intrinsics Toolkit (OLIT) is an Application Programmer Interface (API) toolkit which can be used to build X11-based, OPEN LOOK applications. The toolkit provides a high level method of creating and manipulating the graphical objects commonly used in the application user interface, such as buttons, menus, text input areas, etc. OLIT is based on the C language and the Xt Intrinsics, and like other Intrinsics-based toolkits, it calls its graphical UI objects "Widgets". A "Widget" is essentially an object (data) and a set of routines (methods) which can be used to manipulate that object. Each widget has a set of "Resources" (attributes) which can be configured by either the programmer or the user in order to obtain the desired functionality from that object. The Demo This demo gives a graphic & informational overview of the widgets that are available in the OPEN LOOK Intrinsics Toolkit that ships with OpenWindows Version2. It was designed to be used as both a quick widget reference and an introductory guide to the toolkit. The demo was implemented using the metaphor of a chemistry Periodic Table (using widgets in place of the elements). The main window of the demo provides a birds-eye view of all the widgets in a Periodic Table format. Each cell contains a miniature working version of the widget, as well as a button which can be pressed to bring up more detailed information on the widget, including a general description, example code and a list of its resources.