DESCRIPTION The ControlArea Widget is a composite widget which arranges its child widgets as a group of "controls". It lays out its children as specified by the application in one of four layout schemes: Fixed Columns - fixed number of rows and enough columns to hold children Fixed Rows - fixed number of columns and enough rows to hold children Fixed OverAll Width - fixed width, but tall enough to hold all children Fixed Overall Height - fixed height, but wide enough to hold all children The children in each row align to the top of the row. The distance between the top of one row and the next is the height of the tallest row plus the application specified inter-row spacing. For more detailed information on the ControlArea Widget, see the following Section in the OPEN LOOK Intrinsics Toolkit Widget Set Reference Manual: . CONTROLAREA WIDGET (3W) EXAMPLE CODE /************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include /************************************************************************ * CreateEntryField: Function used to create Captioned TextField. * This function returns the handle of the created Caption widget. ************************************************************************/ Widget CreateEntryField(name, parent, labelfont, label, txtfont, inputlen) char *name; Widget parent; XFontStruct *labelfont; char *label; XFontStruct *txtfont; int inputlen; { Widget caption, field; /* * Create Caption */ caption = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, captionWidgetClass, parent, XtNlabel,(XtArgVal)label, NULL); if (labelfont != NULL) XtVaSetValues(caption, XtNfont, (XtArgVal)labelfont, NULL); /* * Create TextField as child of caption */ field = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("textentry", textFieldWidgetClass, caption, XtNmaximumSize, (XtArgVal)inputlen, NULL); if (txtfont != NULL) XtVaSetValues(field, XtNfont, (XtArgVal)txtfont, NULL); return(caption); } /************************************************************************/ main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { Widget toplevel, controlarea, field1, field2; XFontStruct *smallfont; toplevel = OlInitialize(argv[0], "Test", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); /* * Create ControlArea with 2 text entry fields. */ controlarea = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("controlarea", controlAreaWidgetClass, toplevel, XtNborderWidth, (XtArgVal) 1, XtNlayoutType, (XtArgVal)OL_FIXEDCOLS, XtNalignCaptions,(XtArgVal)True, NULL); smallfont = XLoadQueryFont(XtDisplay(toplevel), "times-roman-10"); field1 = CreateEntryField("field1", controlarea, smallfont, "Product: ", smallfont, 12); field2 = CreateEntryField("field2", controlarea, smallfont, "UI-Type: ", smallfont, 12); XtRealizeWidget(toplevel); XtMainLoop(); } /**********************************END EXAMPLE******************************/ RESOURCES _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Resource Name Type Default Brief Description _______________________________________________________________________________________________ XtNalignCaptions Boolean FALSE align all captions (right justified)? XtNancestorSensitive Boolean TRUE Will immediate parent receive events? XtNbackground Pixel White background color of widget XtNbackgroundPixmap Pixmap (none) pixmap used for tiling the background XtNborderColor Pixel Black border color of widget XtNborderPixmap Pixmap (none) pixmap used for tiling the border XtNborderWidth Dimension 0 width of widget's border in pixels XtNcenter Boolean FALSE center each child widget in column? XtNconsumeEvent XtCallbackList NULL called when event occurs XtNdepth int (parent's) number of bits used for each pixel XtNdestroyCallback XtCallbackList NULL routines called when widget is destroyed XtNhPad Dimension 4 size in pixels of margin on sides XtNhSpace Dimension 4 space in pixels between columns XtNheight Dimension (calculated) height of widget's window in pixels XtNlayoutType OlDefine OL_FIXEDROWS layout policy of child widgets XtNmappedWhenManaged Boolean TRUE will widget be mapped when managed? XtNmeasure int 1 * number of rows/cols or fixed hgt/wth XtNsameSize OlDefine OL_COLUMNS which children are forced to same width XtNsensitive Boolean TRUE will widget receive input events? XtNuserData XtPointer NULL storage for user defined data XtNvPad Dimension 4 size in pixels of top/bottom margins XtNvSpace Dimension 4 space in pixels between rows XtNwidth Dimension (calculated) width of widget's window in pixels XtNx Position 0 x coord of widget's upper left corner XtNy Position 0 y coord of widget's uuper left corner