Get Connected:
Request Wireless

This form may be used to request installation of wireless coverage in an on-campus (non-residence) space. As part of installation planning, Information Systems will determine the number of access points you need to ensure satisfactory coverage. The cost of installing an access point is $1200.

(Links in this form will open another browser window.)

Contact Person & Billing Information
This information should identify the person in your organization who is primarily responsible for network connectivity. This person will be the main point of contact between I/S and your department for any email or other communication relating to this request.
(required) email address for
network contact
(required) name of network contact
(required) name of billing contact
(required) Institute Account (cost object)
(optional) email addresses for anyone who should be cc'd on this request
Installation Access
Please note that our contractors begin work as early as 7AM.
Can the space be accessed with Master Keys?
Yes   No
Are there any alarms we should be aware of?
If yes, please explain in the Location section below.
Yes   No

Location (required)
(include building, room number, and a short description of the space, e.g., cubicles, lab, meeting room)

You also need to send us a floorplan of the area where you want wireless coverage. Floorplans for the MIT campus are available from in convenient PDF formats (requires Acrobat Reader). When you have printed out the floorplan, mark it with the case number that you will receive in email that confirms this request, and fax it to us at 617-253-8000.


Any other information you think would be useful for us should go here.

When you submit this form, it will be sent to Casetracker, case management software that I/S uses to track requests and problem reports. An I/S consultant will contact you within 3 days.

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MIT Information Systems Comments about this form
Last updated: February 25, 2002