Milestones for Foundation 3/18/86 wdc New Milestones list mark Basic document editing capability. User interface support design document. Contains description of first user interface - Editor mark Simple file input and file output. 3/??/86 wdc Advanced scheduler for internal operations. External process control with simple I/O to streams. wdc Advanced I/O scheduler (multiple streams) Note: By April 1 it is expected that the system support will be stable enough to permit multiple applications to begin to be developed. 4/86 Formatting How will formatting information be stored internally? How will it be stored externally? Expand redisplay to support printers. Write routines to do formatting of what's on screen. Write routines to send formatted output to printer (tentatively say we will output in postscript.) 6/86 Outlining Basic outliner -- like emacs outline mode. Topic map 7/86 Tutorial Integrate first tutorial system. Add functionality to I/O system. 8/86 Annotating