Transaction System Requirements

Interface Mockup
  • Customer Interface
    1. Offer a menu and description of services (1)
    2. Restrict orders resulting in field work to within a building (1)
    3. Display cost of items ordered (1)
    4. Display estimate of completion time (2)
    5. Display description/summary of work before submission (1)
    6. Allow cancellation of order after submission (2)
    7. Display summary of all ongoing charges to an account (4)
    8. Notify requester of order status changes (1)
  • Workflow Interface
    1. Display orders with queries on customer, date, location, work type and assigned person (1)
    2. Assign jobs to a particular person(s) (1)
    3. Close only when job and data entry is complete (1)
    4. Alerts when jobs pass due date (1)
    5. Contractor scheduling (2)
  • Data Managed
    1. transactions
      • transaction identifier (1)
      • start/estimated completion/end dates (1)
      • requsitioner (1)
      • contact (1)
      • proxy (consultant) (1)
      • accounts - allow for separate installation, equipment and recurring charges (1)
      • identifiers into casetracker, ice9 and other tracking databases (1)
      • job description (1)
      • job cost (1)
      • amount billed (1)
      • feed to sap when complete (2)
    2. jacks
      • type (3)
      • length (3)
      • use (3)
      • endpoints (3)
      • date installed (3)
    3. circuits
      • endpoints (3)
      • use (3)
      • contact (3)
      • date installed (3)
      • billing info (3)
    4. network connections
      • type (3)
      • port (3)
      • equipment (host) (3)
      • billing (3)
    5. hosts
      • type (4)
      • contact (4)
      • address (4)
      • inventory (4)
      • billing (4)
  • Access Control
    1. users can see & update own transactions (1)
    2. designated proxies can read and write all transactions (1)