5i' Annexes A, B, C and E to Recommendation Z.100 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (SDL) MONTAGE: PAGE 206 = PAGE BLANCHE ANNEX A (to Recommendation Z.100) SDL Glossary The Z.100 Recommendation contains the formal definitions of SDL terminology. The SDL Glossary is compiled to help new SDL users when reading the Recommendation and its annexes, giving a brief definition and reference to the defining section of the Recommenda- tion. The definitions in the Glossary may summarize or paraphrase the formal definitions, and thus may be incomplete. Terms which are in a definition may also be found in the glos- sary. If an italicized phrase, for example procedure identifier , is not in the glossary, then it may be the concatenation of two terms, in this case the term procedure followed by the term iden- tifier . When a word is in italics but cannot be located in the glossary, it may be a derivative of a glossary term. For example, exported is the past tense of export . Except where a term is a synonym for another term, after the definition of the term there is a main reference to the use of the term in the Z.100 Recommendation. These references are shown in square brackets [ ] after definitions. For example, [3.2] indi- cates that the main reference is in S 3.2. abstract data type F | type abstrait de donnees S | tipo abstracto de datos Abstract data type is a synonym for data type . All SDL data types are abstract data types . abstract grammar F | grammaire abstraite S | gramatica abstracta The abstract grammar defines the semantics of SDL . The abstract grammer is described by the abstract syntax and the well-formedness rules . [1.2, 1.4.1] abstract syntax F | syntaxe abstraite S | sintaxis abstracta The abstract syntax is the means to describe the conceptual structure of an SDL specification as compared with the concrete syntaxes which exist for each concrete syntax of SDL , this is SDL/GR and SDL/PR . [1.2] access F | acces S | acceder Access is the operation applied to a variable which gives the value which was last assigned to it. If a variable is accessed which has an undefined value , then an error occurs. action F | action S | accion An action is an operation which is executed within a transi- tion string , e.g., a task, output, decision, create request or procedure call . [2.7] active timer F | temporisateur actif S | temporizador activo An active timer is a timer which has a timer signal in the input port of the owning procedure or is scheduled to produce a timer signal at some future time. [2.8.2,] actual parameter F | parametre reel S | parametro efectivo An actual parameter is an expression given to a process or procedure for the corresponding formal parameter when the process or procedure is created (or called ). Note that in certain cases in a procedure call an actual parameter must be a variable (i.e. a particular type of expression ; see IN/OUT ). [2.7.2, 2.7.3, 4.2.2] actual parameter list F | liste de parametres reels S | lista de parametros efectivos An actual parameter list is the list of actual parameters . The actual parameters are matched by position with the respective elements of the corresponding formal parameter list . area F | zone S | area; zona An area is a two dimensional region in the concrete graphical syntax . Area often correspond to nodes in the abstract syntax and usually contain common textual syntax . In interaction diagrams areas may be connected by channels or signal routes . In control flow diagrams areas may be connected by flow lines . array F | tableau (array) S | matriz Array is the predefined generator used to introduce the con- cept of arrays, easing the definition of arrays. assign F | affectation S | asignar Assign is the operation applied to a variable which associates a value to the variable replacing the previous value associated with the variable . [5.5.3] assignment statement F | instruction d'affectation S | sentencia de asignacion An assignment statement is a statement which assigns a value to a variable . [5.5.3] association area F | zone d'association S | area de asociacion An association area is a connection between areas in an interaction diagram by means of an association symbol . There are five asociation areas: channel substraction association area, input association area , priority input association area, continuous sig- nal association area and save association area . [2.6.3, 3.2.3, 4.10.2, 4.11] axiom F | axiome S | axioma An axiom is a special kind of equation with an implied equivalence to the Boolean literal True. "Axioms " is used as a synonym for "axioms and equations ." [5.1.3] basic SDL F | LDS de base S | LED basico Basic SDL is the subset of SDL defined in S 2 of Recommendation Z.100. behaviour F | comportement S | comportamiento The behaviour or functional behaviour of a system is the set of sequences of responses to sequences of stimuli. [1.1.3] block F | bloc S | bloque A block is part of a system or parent block . When used by itself, block is a synonym for a block instance . A block is a scope unit and provides a static interface. [2.4.3] block area F | zone de bloc S | area de bloque The block area is the definition of a block or a reference to a block in an interaction diagram . [2.4.2] block definition F | definition de bloc S | definicion de bloque A block definition is the definition of a block in SDL/PR block diagram F | diagramme de bloc S | diagrama de bloque The block diagram is the definition of a block in SDL/GR block substructure F | sous-structure de bloc S | subestructura de bloque A block substructure is the partitioning of the block into subblocks and new channels at a lower level of abstraction [3.2.2] block substructure definition F | definition de sous-structure de bloc S | definicion de subestructura de bloque A block substructure definition is the SDL/PR representation of a block substructure for a partitioned block. [3.2.2] block substructure diagram F | diagramme de sous-structure de bloc S | diagrama de subestructura de bloque A block substructure diagram is the SLD/GR representation of a block substructure for a partitioned block . [3.2.2] block tree diagram F | diagramme d'arborescence de bloc S | diagrama de arbol de bloques A block tree diagram is an auxiliary document in SDL/GR representing the partitioning of a system into blocks at lower lev- els of abstraction by means of an inverted tree diagram (i.e. , parent block at the top). [3.22] BNF (Backus-Naur Form) F | forme BNF (Backus-Naur Form) S | FBN (forma Backus-Naur) BNF (Backus-Naur Form) is a formal notation used for expressing the concrete textual syntax of a language. An extended form of BNF is used for expressing the concrete graphical grammar . [1.5.2, 1.5.3] Boolean F | booleen S | booleano Boolean is a sort defined in a predefined partial type defini- tion and has the values True and False. For the sort Boolean the predefined operators are NOT, AND, OR, XOR and implication. [5.6.1] channel F | canal S | canal A channel is the connection conveying signals between two blocks . Channels also convey signals between a block and the environment . Channels may be unidirectional or bidirectional. [2.5.1] channel definition F | definition S | definicion de canal A channel definition is the definition of a channel in SDL/PR . [2.5.1] channel definition area F | zone de definition de canal S | area de definicion de canal The channel definition area is the definition of a channel in SDL/GR . [2.5.1] channel substructure F | sous-structure de canal S | subestructura de canal A channel substructure is a partitioning of a channel into a set of channels and blocks at a lower level of abstraction [3.2.3] channel substructure definition F | definition de sous-structure de canal S | definicion de subestructura de canal A channel substructure definition is the definition of the channel substructure in SDL/PR . [3.2.3] channel substructure diagram F | diagramme de sous-structure de canal S | diagrama de subestructura de canal A channel substructure diagram is the definition of the chan- nel substructure in SDL/GR . [3.2.3] character F | caractere (character) S | caracter; character Character is a sort defined in a predefined partial type definition for which the values are the elements of the CCITT No. 5 alphabet, (e.g., 1, A, B, C, etc.). For the sort character the ordering operators are predefined. [5.6.2] chartstring F | cha | ne de caracteres (character string) S | cadena-de-caracteres; chartstring Chartstring is a sort defined in a predefined partial type definition for which the values are strings of characters and the operators are those of the string predefined generator instantiated for characters . [5.6.4] comment F | commentaire S | comentario A comment is information which is in addition to or clarifies the SDL specification . In SDL/GR comments may be attached by a dashed line to any symbol . In SDL/PR comments are introduced by the keyword COMMENT . Comments have no SDL defined meaning. See also Note . [2.2.6] common textual grammar F | grammaire textuelle commune S | gramatica textual comun The common textual grammar is the subset of the concrete tex- tual grammar which applies to both SDL/GR and SDL/PR . [1.2] communication path F | trajet de communication S | trayecto de comunicacion A communication path is a transportation means that carriers signal instances from one process instance or from the environment to another process instance or to the environment . A communication path comprises either channel path(s) or signal route path(s) or a combination of both. [2.7.4] complete valid input signal set F | ensemble complet de signaux d'entree valides S | conjunto completo de se~ales de entrada validas The complete valid input signal set of a process is the union of the valid input signal set, the local signals, timer signals and the implicit signals of the process . [2.4.4] concrete grammar F | grammaire concrete S | gramatica concreta A concrete grammar is the concrete syntax along with the well-formedness rules for that concrete syntax . SDL/GR and SDL/PR are the concrete grammars of SDL . The concrete grammars are mapped to the abstract grammar to determine their semantics . [1.2] concrete graphical grammar F | grammaire graphic concrete S | gramatica grafica concreta The concrete graphical grammar is the concrete grammar for the graphical part of SDL/GR. concrete graphical syntax F | syntaxe graphique concrete S | sintaxis grafica concreta The concrete graphical syntax is the concrete syntax for the graphical part of SDL/GR . The concrete graphical syntax is expressed in Z.100 using an extended form of BNF . [1.2, 1.5.3] concrete syntax F | syntaxe concrete S | sintaxis concreta The concrete syntax for the various representations of SDL is the actual symbols used to represent SDL and the interrelationship between symbols required by the syntactic rules of SDL . The two concrete syntaxes used in Z.100 are the concrete graphical syntax and the concrete textual syntax . [1.2] concrete textual syntax F | syntaxe textuelle concrete S | sintaxis textual concreta The concrete textual syntax is the concrete syntax for SDL/PR and the textual parts of SDL/GR . The concrete textual syntax is expressed in Z.100 using BNF . [1.2, 1.5.2] conditional expression F | expression conditionnelle S | expresion condicional A conditional expression is an expression containing a Boolean expression which controls whether the consequence expression or the alternative expression is interpreted. [] connect F | connect S | conectar Connect indicates the connection of a channel to one or more signal routes . [2.5.3] connector F | connecteur S | conector A connector is an SDL/GR symbol which is either an in-connector or an out-connector . A flow line is implied from out-connectors to the associated in-connector in the same process or procedure identified by having the same name . [2.6.6] consistent partitioning subset F | sous-ensemble de subdivision coherent S | subconjunto de particion consistente A consistent partitioning subset is a set of the blocks and subblocks in a system specification which provides a complete view of the system with related parts at a corresponding level of abstraction . Thus, when a block or subblock is contained in a con- sistent partitioning subset , its ancestors and siblings are too. [3.2.1] consistent refinement subset F | sous-ensemble de raffinement coherent S | subconjunto de refinamiento consistente The consistent refinement subset is a consistent partitioning subset which contains all blocks and subblocks which use the sig- nals used by any of the blocks or subblocks continuous signal F | signal continu S | se~al continua A continuous signal is a means to define that when in a state the associated Boolean condition becomes True, the transition fol- lowing the continuous signal is interpreted. [4.11] control flow diagram F | diagramme de liaison de contr | le S | diagrama de flujo de control A control flow diagram is either a process diagram , a pro- cedure diagram , or a service diagram . create F | creer S | crear Create is a synonym for create request . create request F | demande de creation S | peticion de crear A create request is the action causing the creation and start- ing of a new process instance using a specified process type as a template. The actual parameters in the create request replace the formal parameters in the process [2.7.2] create line area F | zone de ligne de creation S | area de linea de crear The create line area in a block diagram connects the process area of the creating (PARENT) process with the process area of the created (OFFSPRING) process [2.4.3] data type F | type de donnees S | tipo de datos A data type is the definition of sets of values (sorts) , a set of operators which are applied to these values and a set of algebraic rules (equations ) defining the behaviour when the opera- tors are applied to the values . [2.3.1] data type definition F | definition de type de donnees S | definicion de tipo de datos A data type definition defines the validity of expressions and relationship between expressions at any given point in an SDL specification . [5.2.1] decision F | decicion S | decision A decision is an action within a transition which asks a ques- tion to which the answer can be obtained at that instant and accordingly chooses one of the several outgoing transitions from the decision to continue interpretation. [2.7.5] decision area F | zone de decision S | area de decision A decision area is the SDL/GR representation of a decision default F | default S | por defecto The default assignment is a denotation of a value that is ini- tially associated to each variable of the sort of the default clause. The default clause may appear in data type definitions [] description F | description S | descripcion A description of a system is the description of its actual behaviour . [1.1] diagram F | diagramme S | diagrama A diagram is the SDL/GR representation for a part of a specif- ication . [2.4.2] duration F | duree (duration) S | duracion; duration Duration is a sort defined in a predefined partial type defin- ition for which the values are denoted as reals and represent the interval between two time instants. [5.6.11] enabling condition F | condition de validation S | condicion habilitante (o habilitadora) An enabling condition is a means for conditionally accepting a signal for input . [4.12] enabling condition area F | zone de condition de validation S | area de condicion habilitante (o habilitadora) The enabling condition area is the SDL/GR representation of an enabling condition . [4.12] entity class F | classe d'entite S | clase de entidad An entity class is a categorization of SDL types based on similarity of use. [2.2.2] environment F | environnement S | entorno The term environment is a synonym for the environment of a system . Also when context allows, it may be a synonym for the environment of a block, process, procedure or a service . [1.3.2] environment of a system F | environnement d'un systeme S | entorno de un sistema The environment of a system is the external world of the sys- tem being specified. The environment interacts with the system by sending/receiving signal instances to/from the system . [1.3.2] equation F | equation S | ecuacion An equation is a relation between terms of the same sort which holds for all possible values substituted for each value identifier in the equation . An equation may be an axiom error F | erreur S | error An error occurs during the interpretation of a valid specifi- cation of a system when one of the dynamic conditions SDL is violated. Once an error has occurred, the subsequent behaviour of the system is not defined by SDL . [1.3.3] export F | export S | exportacion The term export is a synonym for export operation . exported variable F | variable exportee S | variable exportada An exported variable is a variable which can be used in an export operation . [4.13] exporter F | exportateur S | exportador An exporter of a variable in the process instance which owns the variable and exports its values . [4.13] export operation F | operation d'exportation S | operacion de exportacion An export operation is the operation by which the exporter discloses the value of a variable . See import operation expression F | expression S | expresion An expression is either a literal , an operator application, a synonym , a variable access , a conditional expression , or an imperartive operator applied to one or more expressions . When an expression is interpreted a value is obtained (or the system is in error ). [2.3.4,] external synonym F | synonyme externe S | sinonimo externo An external synonym of a predefined sort whose value is not specified in the system specification . [4.3.1] extract! F | extract! S | extraer!; extract! Extract is an operator which is implied in an expression when a variable is immediately followed by bracketed expression(s) [, 5.6.8] flow line F | ligne de liaison S | linea de flujo A flow line is a symbol used to connect areas in a control flow diagram . [2.2.4,] formal parameter F | parametre formel S | parametro formal A formal parameter is a variable name to which actual values are assigned or which are replaced by actual variables . [2.4.4, 2.4.5, 4.2, 4.10] formal parameter list F | liste de parametres formels S | lista de parametros formales A formal parameter list is list of a formal parameters . functional behaviour F | comportement fonctionnel S | comportamiento funcional Functional behaviour is a synonym for behaviour . general option area F: zone d'option generale S: area de opcion general The general option area is the SDL/GR representation of an option . [4.3.3] general parameters F | parametres generaux S | parametros generales The general parameters in both a specification and a descrip- tion of a system relate to such matters as temperature limits, con- struction, exchange capacity, grade of service, etc., and are not defined in SDL . [1.1] generator F | generateur S | generador A generator is an incomplete newtype description. Before it assumes the status of a newtype , a generator must be instantiated by providing the missing information. [] graph F | graphe S | grafico A graph in the abstract syntax is a part of an SDL specifica- tion such as procedure graph or a process graph . ground expression F | expression close S | expresion fundamental A ground expression is an expression containing only operators , synonyms and literals . [] hierarchical structure F | structure hierarchique S | estructure jerarquica A hierarchical structure is a structure of a system specifica- tion where partitioning and refinement allow different views of the system at different levels of abstraction. Hierarchical structures allow the management of complex system specifications . See also block tree diagram . [3.1] identifier F | identificateur S | identificador An identifier is the unique identification of an object, formed from a qualifier part and a name . [2.2.2] imperative operator F | operateur imperatif S | operador imperativo An imperative operator is a now expression, view expression, timer active expression, import expression or one of the PId expressions: SELF, PARENT, OFFSPRING or SENDER . [5.5.4] implicit transition F | transition implicite S | transicion implicita An implicit transition is in the concrete syntax initiated by a signal in the complete valid input signal set and not specified in an input or save for the state . An implicit transition contains no action and leads directly back to the same state [4.6] import F | import S | importacion The term import is a synonym for import operation . [4.13] imported variable F | variable importee S | variable importada An imported variable is a variable used in an import operation . [4.13] importer F | importeur S | importador An importer of an imported variable is the process instance which imports the value . [4.13] import operation F | operation d'importation S | operacion de importacion An import operation is the operation that yields value of an exported variable . [4.13] IN variable F | variable "IN" S | variable IN An IN variable is a formal parameter attribute denoting the case when a value is passed to a procedure via an actual parameter . [2.4.5] IN/OUT variable F | variable "IN/OUT" S | variable IN/OUT An IN/OUT variable is a formal parameter attribute denoting the case when a formal parameter name is used as a synonym for the variable (i.e. the actual parameter must be a variable in-connector F | connecteur d'entree S | conector de entrada An in-connector is a connector . infix operator F | operateur infixe S | operador infijo An infix operator is one of the predefined dyadic operators of SDL (=>, OR, XOR, AND, IN, /=, =, >, <, < =, >=, +, -, //, *, /, MOD, REM) which are placed between its two arguments. [] informal text F | texte informel S | texto informal Informal text is text included in an SDL specification for which semantics are not defined by SDL , but through some other model. Informal text is enclosed in apostrophes. [2.2.3] initial algebra F | algebre initiale S | algebra inicial An initial algebra is the formalism for defining abstract data types . [5.3] inlet F | acces entrant S | acceso de entrada An inlet represents a line, such as a channel or a flow line , entering an SDL/GR macro call . [4.2.3] input F | entree S | entrada An input is the consumption of a signal from the input port which starts a transition . During the consumption of a signal , the values associated with the signal become available to the pro- cess instance . [2.6.4, 4.10.2] input area F | zone d'entree S | area de entrada An input area is the SDL/GR representation of an input . [2.6.4] input port F | port d'entree S | puerto de entrada An input port of a process is a queue which receives and retains signals in the order of arrival until the signals are con- sumed by an input . The input port may contain any number of retained signals . [2.4.4] instance F | instance S | instancia An instance of a type is an object which has the properties of the type (given in the definition). [1.3.1] instantiation F | instantiation S | instanciacion Instantiation is the creation of an instance of a type . [1.3.1] integer F | entier (integer) S | entero; integer Integer is a sort defined in a predefined partial type defini- tion for which the values are these of mathematical integers (. | | , -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, . | | ). For the sort integer the prede- fined operators are +, -, *, / and the ordering operators interaction diagram F | diagramme d'interaction S | diagrama de interaccion An interaction diagram is a block diagram, system diagram, channel substructure diagram, or block substructure diagram . keyword F | mot cle S | palabra clave A keyword is a reserved lexical unit in the concrete textual syntax . [2.2.1] label F | etiquette S | etiqueta A label is a name followed by a colon and is used in the con- crete textual syntax for connection purposes. [2.6.6] level F | niveau S | nivel The term level is a synonym for level of abstraction . level of abstraction F | niveau d'abstraction S | nivel de abstraccion A level of abstraction is one of the levels of a block tree diagram . A description of a system is one block at the highest level of abstraction and is shown as a single block at the top of a block tree diagram . [3.2.1] lexical rules F | regles lexicales S | reglas lexicas Lexical rules are rules which define how lexical units are built from characters. [2.2.1, 4.2.1] lexical unit F | unites lexicales S | unidad lexica Lexical units are the terminal symbols of the concrete textual syntax . [2.2.1] literal F | litteral S | literal A literal denotes a value . [2.3.3, 5.1.2,] macro F | macro S | marco A marcro is a named collection of syntactic or textual items, which replaces the macro call before the meaning of the SDL representation is considered (i.e., a macro has meaning only when replaced in a particular context). [4.2] macro call F | appel de macro S | llamada a (de) macro A macro call is an indication of a place where the macro definition with the same name should be expanded. [4.2.3] macro definition F | definition de macro S | definicion de macro A macro definition is the definition of a macro in SDL/PR macro diagram F | diagramme de macro S | diagrama de macro A macro diagram is the definition of a macro in SDL/GR . [4.2.2] make! F | make! S | hacer!; make! Make! is an operation only used in data type definitions fo form a value of a complex type (e.g., structured sort ). [, 5.6.8] merge area F | zone de fusion S | area de fusion A merge area is where one flow line connects to another. [] Meta IV F | Meta IV S | Meta IV Meta IV is a formal notation for expressing the abstract syn- tax of a language. [1.5.1] model F | modele S | modelo A model gives the mapping for shorthand notations expressed in terms of previously defined concrete syntax . [1.4.1, 1.4.2] modify! F | modify! S | modificar!; modify! Modify is an operator which is implied in expressions when a variable is immediately followed by bracketed expressions and then :=. Within axioms modify! is used explicitly (see extract! ) [, 5.6.8] name F | nom S | nombre A name is a lexical unit used to name SDL objects. [2.2.1, 2.2.2] natural F | naturel S | natural Natural is a syntype defined in a predefined partial type definition for which the values are the non-negative integers (i.e., 0, 1, 2, | | | ). The operators are the operators of the sort integer . [5.6.6] newtype F | nouveau type (newtype) S | niotipo A newtype introduces a sort , a set of operators , and a set of equations . Note that the term newtype might be confusing because actually a new sort is introduced, but newtype is main- tained for historical reasons. [5.2.1] node F | noeud S | nodo In the abstract syntax , a node is a designation of one of the basic concepts of SDL | note F: note S: nota A note is text enclosed by /* | nd | / which has no SDL defined semantics. See comment . [2.2.1] null F | null S | null; nulo Null is the literal of sort PId . [5.6.10] OFFSPRING F | DESCENDANT (OFFSPRING) S | OFFSPRING; VASTAGO OFFSPRING is an expression of sort PId . When OFFSPRING is evaluated in a process it gives the PId-values of the process most recently created by this process . If the process has not created any processes , the result of the evaluation of OFFSPRING is null [2.4.4,] operator F | operateur S | operador An operator is a denotation for an operation. Operators are defined in a partial type definition . For example +, -, *, /, are names for operators defined for sort integer . [5.1.2, 5.1.3] operator signature F | signature d'operateur S | signatura de operador An operator signature defines the sort(s) of the values to which the operator can be applied and the sort of the resulting value . [5.2.2] option F | option S | opcion An option is a concrete syntax construct in a generic SDL sys- tem specification allowing different system structures to be chosen before the system is interpreted. [4.3.3, 4.3.4] ordering operators F | operateurs de relation d'ordre S | operadores de ordenacion The ordering operators are <, <=, > or >=. [] out connector F | connecteur de sortie S | conector de salida An out-connector is a connector. outlet F | acces sortant S | acceso de salida An outlet represents a line, such as a channel or flow line , existing a macro diagram . [4.2.2] output F: sortie S: salida An output is an action within a transition which generates a signal instance . output area F | zone de sortie S | area de salida The output area in a control flow diagram represents the SDL/GR concept of an output . [2.7.4] page F | page S | pagina A page is one of the components of a physical partitioning of a diagram PARENT F | PARENT S | PARENT; PROGENITOR PARENT is a PId expression . When a process evaluates this expression , the result is the PId-value of the parent process pro- cess was created at system initialization time, the result is null . [2.4.4,] partial type definition F | defintiion partielle de type S | definicion parcial de tipo The partial type definition for a sort defines some of the properties related to the sort . A partial type definition is part of a data type definition. [5.2.1] partitioning F | subdivision S | particion Partitioning is the subdivision of a unit into smaller com- ponents which when taken as a whole have the same behaviour as the original unit. Partitioning does not affect the static interface of a unit. [3.1, 3.2] PId F | PId S | PId PId is a sort defined in a predefined partial type definition for which there is one literal , null . PId is an abbreviation for process instance identifier, and the values of the sorts are used to identify process instances . [, 5.6.10] powerset F | mode ensembliste S | conjunista Powerset is the predefined generator used to introduce mathematical sets. The operators for powerset are IN, Incl, Del, union, insersection and the ordering operators . [5.6.9] predefined data F | donnees predefinies S | datos predefinidos For simplicity of description the term predefined data is applied to both predefined names for sorts introduced by partial type definitions and predefined names for data type generators character, chartstring, duration, integer, natural PId, real and time are sort names which are predefined. Array, powerset , and string are data type generator names which are predefined. Prede- fined data are defined implicitly at system level in all SDL sys- tems . [5.6] procedure F | procedure S | procedimiento A procedure is an encapsulation of the behaviour of a process . A procedure is defined in one place but may be referred to several times within the same process . See formal parameter and actual parameter . [2.4.5] procedure call F | appel de procedure S | llamada a (de) procedimiento A procedure call is the invocation of a named procedure for interpretation of the procedure and passing actual parameters to the procedure . [2.7.3] procedure call area F | zone d'appel de procedure S | area de llamada a (de) procedimiento The procedure call area is the SDL/GR representation of a pro- cedure call . [2.7.3] procedure definition F | definition de procedure S | definicion de procedimiento A procedure definition is the SDL/PR definition of a procedure . [2.4.5] procedure diagram F | diagramme de procedure S | diagrama de procedimiento A procedure diagram is the SDL/GR representation of a pro- cedure . [2.4.5] procedure graph F | graphe de procedure S | grafico de procedimiento A procedure graph is a nonterminal in the abstract syntax representing a procedure . [2.4.5] procedure return F | retour de procedure S | retorno de procedimiento Procedure return is a synonym for return . process F | processus S | proceso A process is a communicating extended finite state machine. Communication can take place via signals or shared variables . The behaviour of a process depends on the order of arrival of signals in its input port . [2.4.4] process area F | zone de processus S | area de proceso A process area in SDL/GR is the representation of a process or a reference to a process in an interaction diagram . [2.4.3] process definition F | definition de processus S | definicion de processo A process definition is the SDL/PR representation of a process . [2.4.4] process diagram F | diagramme de processus S | diagrama de proceso A process diagram is the SDL/GR representation of the defini- tion of a process . [2.4.4] process graph F | graphe de processus S | grafico de proceso A process graph is nonterminal in the abstract syntax representing a process . [2.4.4] process instance F | instance de processus S | instancia de proceso A process instance is a dynamically created instance of a pro- cess . See SELF, SENDER, PARENT, and OFFSPRING [2.4.4] qualifier F | partie qualificative (qualificatif) S | calificador The qualifier is part of an identifier which is the extra information to the name part of the identifier to ensure unique- ness. Qualifiers are always present in the abstract syntax , but only have to be used as far as needed for uniqueness in the con- crete syntax when the qualifier of an identifier cannot be derived from the context of the use of the name part. [2.2.2] real F | reel S | real Real is a sort defined in a predefined partial type definition for which the values are the numbers which can be presented by one Integer divided by another. The predefined operators for the sort real have the same names as the operators of sort integer . [5.6.7] refinement F | reaffinement S | refinamiento Refinement is the addition of new details to the funtionality at a certain level of abstraction . The refinement of a system causes an enrichment in its behaviour or its capabilities to handle more types of signals and information, including those signals to and from the environment . Compare with partitioning . [3.3] remote definition F | definition distante S | definicion remota A remote definition is a syntactic means of distributing a system definition into several parts and relating the parts to each other. [2.4.1] reset F | reset (reinitialisation) S | reincializar; reponer Reset is an operation defined for timers which allows timers to be made inactive. See active timer . [2.8] retained signal F | signal retenu S | se~al retenida A retained signal is a signal in the input port of a process , i.e., a signal which has been received but not consumed by the pro- cess . [2.4.4] return F | retour S | retorno The return of a procedure is the transfer of control to the calling procedure or process . [] reveal attribute F | attribut d'exposition S | atributo revelado A variable owned by a process may have a reveal attribute , in which case another process in the same block is permitted to view the value associated with the variable . See view definition . [] save F | mise en reserve S | conservacion A save is the declaration of those signals that should not be consumed in a given state . [2.6.5] save area F | zone de mise en reserve S | area de conservacion The save area is the SDL/GR representation of a save . [2.6.5] save signal set F | ensemble de signaux de mise en reserve S | conjunto de se~ales de conservacion The save signal set of a state is the set of saved signals for that state . [2.6.5] SDL (CCITT Specification and Description Language) F | LDS (langage de description et de specification du CCITT) S | LED (lenguaje de especificacion y descripcion del CCITT) CCITT SDL (Specification and Description Language ) is a for- mal language providing a set of constructs of the specification for the functionality of a system. SDL/GR F: LDS/GR S: LED/GR SDL/GR is the graphical representation in SDL . The grammar for SDL/GR is defined by the concrete graphical grammar and the common textual grammar . [1.2] SDL/PE F | LDS/PE S | LED/EP SDL/PE is a set of icons which can be used in conjunction with the state symbol of SDL/GR . [Annex E] SDL/PR F | LDS/PR S | LED/PR SDL/PR is the textual phrase representation in SDL . The gram- mar for SDL/PR is defined by the concrete textual grammar [1.2] scope unit F | unite de portee S | unidad de ambito A scope unit in the concrete grammar defines the range of visibility of identifiers . Examples of scope units include the system, block, process, procedure, partial type definitions and service definitions . [2.2.2] selection F | selection S | seleccion Selection means providing those external synonyms needed to make a specific system specification from a generic system specifi- cation SELF F | SELF S | SELF; MISMO SELF is a PId expression . When a process evaluates this expression , the result is the PId-value of that process results in the value Null . See also PARENT, OFFSPRING, PId . [2.4.4,] semantics F | semantique S | semantica Semantics gives meaning to an entity: the properties it has, the way its behaviour is interpreted, and any dynamic conditions which must be fulfilled for the behaviour of the entity to meet SDL rules. [1.4.1, 1.4.2] SENDER F | SENDER (emetteur) S | SENDER; EMISOR SENDER is a PId expression . When evaluated SENDER yields the PId value of the sending process of the signal that activated the current transition . [2.4.4, 2.6.4,] service F | service S | servicio A service is an alternative way of specifying a process . Each service may define a partial behaviour of a process . [4.10] service area F | zone de service S | area de servicio A service area is either a service diagram or a reference to a service . [4.10.1] service definition F | definition de service S | definicion de servicio A service definition is the SDL/PR definition of a service service diagram F | diagramme de service S | diagrama de servicio A service diagram is the SDL/GR definition of a service . [4.10] set F | set (initialisation) S | inicializar; poner Set is an operation defined for timers which allow timers to be made active . [2.8] shorthand notation F | notation abregee S | notacion taquigrafica (o abreviada) A shorthand notation is a concrete syntax notation providing a more compact representation implicitly referring to Basic SDL con- cepts. [1.4.2] signal F | signal S | se~al A signal is an instance of a signal type communication infor- mation to a process instance . [2.5.4] signal definition F | definition de signal S | definicion de se~al A signal definition defines a named signal type and associates a list of zero or more sort identifiers with the signal name sig- nals to carry values . [2.5.4] signal list F | liste de signaux S | lista de se~ales A signal list is a list of signal identifiers used in channel and signal route definitions to indicate all the signals which may be conveyed by the channel or signal route in one direction. [2.5.5] signal list area F | zone de liste de signaux S | area de lista de se~ales The signal list area in an interaction diagram represents a signal list associated with a channel or signal route . [2.5.5] signal route F | acheminement de signaux S | ruta de se~ales A signal route indicates the flow of signals between a process type and either another process type in the same block or the chan- nels connected to the block . [2.5.2] simple expression F | expression simple S | expresion simple A simple expression is an expression which only contains operators, synonyms , and literals of the predefined sorts . [4.3.2] sort F | sorte S | genero A sort is a set of values with common characteristics. Sorts are always nonempty and disjoint. [2.3.3, 5.1.3] specification F | specification S | especificacion A specification is a definition of the requirements of a sys- tem . A specification consists of general parameters required of the system and the functional specification of its required behaviour Specification may be also used as a shorthand for "specification and/or description ", e.g., in SDL specification or system specification [1.1] start F | depart S | arranque The start in a process is interpreted before any state or action . The start initializes the process by replacing its formal parameters by the actual parameters as specified in the create [2.6.2] state F | etat S | estado A state is a condition in which a process instance can consume a signal . [2.6.3] state area F | zone d'etat S | area de estado A state area is the SDL/GR representation of one or more states . [2.6.3] state picture F | representation graphique d'etat S | pictograma de estado A state picture is a state symbol incorporating pictorial ele- ments used to extend SDL/GR to SDL/PE . [Annex E] stop F | arr | t S | parada A stop is an action which terminates a process instance . When a stop is interpreted, all variables owned by the process instance are destroyed and all retained signals in the input port are no longer accessible. [] string F | cha | ne (string) S: cadena; string String is a predefined generator used to introduce lists. The predefined operators include Length, First, Last, Substring and concatenation. [5.6.3] structured sort F | sorte structuree S | genero estructurado A structured sort is a sort with implicit operators and equa- tions and special concrete syntax for these implicit operators fields. The values of the fields can be accessed and modified independently. [] subblock F | sous-bloc S | subbloque A subblock is a block contained within another block . Sub- blocks are formed when a block is partitioned . [3.2.1, 3.2.2] subchannel F | sous-canal S | subcanal A subchannel is a channel formed when a block is partitioned . A subchannel connects a subblock to a boundary of the partitioned block or a block to the boundary of a partitioned channel . [3.2.2, 3.2.3] subsignal F | sous-signal S | subse~al A subsignal is a refinement of a signal and may be further refined . [3.3] symbol F | symbole S | simbolo A symbol is a terminal in the concrete syntaxes . A symbol may be one of a set of shapes in the concrete graphical syntax . synonym F | synonyme S | sinonimo A synonym is a name which represents a value . [] syntax diagram F | diagramme de syntaxe S | diagrama de sintaxis Syntax diagrams are illustrations of the definitions of the concrete textual syntax . [Annex C2] syntype F | syntype S | sintipo A syntype determines a set of values which corresponds to a subset of the values of the parent type . The operators of the syn- type are the same as those of the parent type . [] system F | systeme S | sistema A system is a set of blocks connected to each other and the environment by channels . system definition F | definition de systeme S | definicion de sistema A system definition is the SDL/PR representation of a system . [2.4.2] system diagram F | diagramme de systeme S | diagrama de sistema A system diagram is the SDL/GR representation of a system task F | t | che S | tarea A task is an action within a transition containing either a sequence of assignment statements or informal text . The interpre- tation of a task depends on and may act on information held by the system [2.7.1] task area F | zone de t | che S | area de tarea A task area is the SDL/GR representation of a task . [2.7.1] term F | terme S | termino A term is syntactically equivalent to an expression . Terms are only used in axioms and are distinguished from expressions for reasons of clarity. [5.2.3, 5.3.3] text extension symbol F | symbole d'extension de texte S | sibolo de ampliacion de texto A text extension symbol is a container of text which belongs to the graphical symbol to which the text extension symbol is attached. The text in the text extension symbol follows the text in the symbol to which it is attached. [2.2.7] time F | temps (time) S | tiempo; time Time is a sort defined in a predefined partial type definition for which the values are denoted as the values of real . The prede- fined operators using time and duration are + and-. [, 5.6.12] timer F | temporisateur S | temporizador A timer is an object, owned by a process instance , that can be active or inactive . An active timer returns a timer signal to the owning process instance at a specified time. See also set and reset . [2.8,] transition F | transition S | transicion A transition is an active sequence which occurs when a process instance changes from one state to another. [] transition area F | zone de transition S | area de transicion A transition area is the SDL/GR representation of a transition . [] transition string F | cha | ne de transition S | cadena de transicion A transition string is a sequence of zero or more actions . [] transition string area F | zone de cha | ne de transition F | area de cadena de transicion A transition string area is the SDL/GR representation of a transition string . [] type F | type S | tipo A type is a set of properties for entities. Examples of classes of types in SDL include blocks, channels, signal routes, signals , and systems . [1.3.1] type definition F | definition de type S | definicion de tipo A type definition defines the properties of a type [1.3.1] undefined F | indefini (undefined) S | indefinido Undefined is a "special" value of every sort which indicates that a variable of that sort has not yet been assigned a normal value . See access . [] valid input signal set F | ensemble de signaux d'entree valides S | conjunto de se~ales de entrada validas The valid input signal set of a process is the list of all external signals handled by any input in the process those signals in signal routes leading to the process complete valid input signal set . [2.4.4, 2.5.2] valid specification F | specification valide S | especificacion valida A valid specification is a specification which follows the concrete syntax and static well-formedness rules . 1.3.3] value F | valeur S | valor A value of a sort is one of the values which are associated with a variable of that sort , and which can be used with an opera- tor requiring a value of that sort . A value is the result of the interpretation of an expression . [2.3.3, 5.1.3] variable F | variable S | variable A variable is an entity owned by a process instance or pro- cedure instance which can be associated with a value through an assignment statement . When accessed , a variable yields the last value which was assigned to it. [2.3.2] variable definition F | definition de variable S | definicion de variable A variable definition is the indication that the variable names listed will be visible in the process, procedure or service containing the definition. [] view definition F | definition de visibilite S | definicion de vision A view definition defines a variable identifier in another process where it has the revealed attribute . This allows the view- ing process to access the value of that variable . [] view expression F | expression de vue S | expresion de vision A view expression is used within an expression to yield the current value of a viewed variable . [] visibility F | visibilite S | visibilidad The visibility of an identifier is the scope units in which it may be used. No two definitions in the same scope unit and belong- ing to the same entity class may have the same name . [2.2.2] well-formedness rules F | regles de bonne formation S | reglas de formacion correcta Well-formedness rules are constraints on a concrete syntax enforcing static conditions not directly expressed by the syntax rules. [1.4.1, 1.4.2] (Folios anglais par Montage) Pour Montage Fascicule X.1 - Dossier 360 (Anglais) (FOLIOS 205 - 235: AVEC TEXTE SAISI MEP) FOLIOS 236 - 265 EXTERIEUR 236 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B 237 238 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B 239 240 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B 241 242 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B 243 244 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex B Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex C1 245 246 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex C1 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex C1 247 248 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex C1 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. Z.100 - Annex C1 249 250 Fascicle X.1 - Rec. 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